From the horrific to the silly, Cthulhu Tales takes H.P. Lovecraft's style of storytelling - and often many of his familiar icons - and runs with them. At its most intense, it tells harrowing tales of horror filled with insanity, in keeping with Lovecraft's original works. At its most envelope-pushing, this anthology tells extremely silly stories that take characters like Cthulhu and run with them. A fun, wild, inventive, and often scary anthology horror series, Cthulhu Tales takes the...
From the horrific to the silly, Cthulhu Tales takes H.P. Lovecraft's style of storytelling - and often many of his familiar icons - and runs with them. At its most intense, it tells harrowing tales of horror filled with insanity, in keeping with Lovecraft's original works. At its most envelope-pushing, this anthology tells extremely silly stories that take characters like Cthulhu and run with them. A fun, wild, inventive, and often scary anthology horror series, Cthulhu Tales takes the familiar literary tradition of the Lovecraft-influenced short story and introduces it to comics. Книга «Cthulhu Tales #1» авторов Стив Найлс, Michael Alan Nelson, Tom Peyer оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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