Учебник предназначен для старших классов школы (гуманитарных классов или гимназий и лицеев), им можно пользоваться не только на уроках литературы, но и на уроках русского языка. Учебник также ориентирован на студентов первых курсов гуманитарных факультетов филологических и нефилологических специальностей и на зарубежных студентов, изучающих славистику. Кроме того, он может служить основой гуманита...
Издание представляет собой сборник примерных экзаменационных материалов для письменных вступительных экзаменов по английскому языку. Для поступающих в МГИМО.
One hot summer day, Alice sees a white rabbit and runs after it. She follows it down a rabbit-hole - and arrives in Wonderland. Here, caterpillars can talk and rabbits have watches. And the Queen wants to cut off everybody's head!
В книге представлен роман-антиутопия Рэя Брэдбери 451 ГРАДУС ПО ФАРЕНГЕЙТУ - классика научной фантастики. Издание содержит сокращенный и адаптированный текст романа, снабжено словарем, постраничными комментариями, лексико-грамматическими упражнениями, творческими заданиями, заданиями на перевод, вопросами на восприятие и для обсуждения. Пособие адресовано учащимся 9-11 классов школ с углубленным и...
To the Top is a course designed for young teenagers, taking learners from Beginner to Intermediate level. The course follows the modular approach which enables students to deal with topics in depth. Its multi-dimensional syllabus combines lexis, grammar structures, language functions, skills wok and pronunciation.
Учебник для 9 класса знакомит обучающихся с основами общей биологии. Учебный материал курса учитывает возрастные особенности восприятия и мышления девятиклассников. Основные понятия цитологии, генетики, селекции, экологии и других биологических наук излагаются логично, последовательно и доступно. Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего обр...
Задания частей 1 и 2 по физике, аналогичные заданиям из банка заданий ЕГЭ. Сборник содержит более 1000 заданий Единого государственного экзамена по физике. В пособии приведены ответы ко всем заданиям, а также решения всех сложных задач, требующих развернутого ответа. Пособие будет полезно учителям, учащимся старших классов, их родителям, а также методистам и членам приемных комиссий. П...
Rose lives alone, and she has no friends. She never goes out - she can't go out. Then, one day, a boy comes into her home. He has problems too. Can she help him? Can he help her? Or are they always going to be frightened of the world?
A famous painting is going to the Grierson Gallery in LA and they want a top man to come to the United States to talk about the artist. The National Gallery in London send Mr Bean. Once he arrives, chaos naturally ensues!
Part of the "Penguin Active Reading"series, this book provides a range of integrated activities designed to develop reading skills and consolidate vocabulary, and offers personalised project work. What is the crown, and why is it important for England? Who is William Agers? In this gripping mystery, the answers are all in Seaburgh.
Part of the "Penguin Active Reading" series, this book provides a range of integrated activities designed to develop reading skills and consolidate vocabulary, and offers personalised project work.
Full grown with a long, smoke-coloured beard, requiring the services of a cane and fonder of cigars than warm milk, Benjamin Button is a very curious baby indeed. And, as Benjamin becomes increasingly youthful with the passing years, his family wonders why he persists in the embarrassing folly of living in reverse.
Kerry is visiting her brother, Mike, for the first tme in his new home. She sees a sign for a fortune teller. Mike doesn't believe in fortune tellers, but he goes, too. What does Rosie say to him? And is she right?
Millions of people know and love the story of E.T. - the little visitor from the stars. Earth is interesting for E.T. but he wants to go home. Can his new Earth friend, Elliott, help him? This is the famous story of one of the world's favorite movies. Retold by Michael Nation.
Part of the "Penguin Active Reading" series, this book provides a range of integrated activities designed to develop reading skills and consolidate vocabulary, and offers personalised project work.
For BZXY741, a student, life in Eden City seems perfect. But one day he meets Eve, a girl who shows him that there is another world ... An intriguing science fiction story.
Laura and her father live quietly in a castle in the middle of a thick forest, but their lives change when beautiful, strange Carmilla becomes their guest. People start dying and Laura also becomes ill. Laura's father is worried. Will his daughter die too? Or can the deaths be stopped?
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