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Описание книги

The novel is based on the real events that took place in Buryatia in 1986.In the taiga, poachers killed the bear-cub in the thrill of the race. The thunderous echo was still heard, and she-bear rushed out from the nearby bushes. And men fired again. But ignoring the wounds, she swept away the murderers of her bear-cub… Two blows… Two deaths…The loss of the bear-cub, physical wounds, pain, and rage made she-bear seek vengeance. As the result, thirteen men were dead…The story took place in the for...

The novel is based on the real events that took place in Buryatia in 1986.

In the taiga, poachers killed the bear-cub in the thrill of the race. The thunderous echo was still heard, and she-bear rushed out from the nearby bushes. And men fired again. But ignoring the wounds, she swept away the murderers of her bear-cub… Two blows… Two deaths…

The loss of the bear-cub, physical wounds, pain, and rage made she-bear seek vengeance. As the result, thirteen men were dead…

The story took place in the forestry of Klyuevka. In connection with the appearance of the bear-killer in the region, the local forester decided to conduct a large-scale raid. He gathered a group of experienced hunters, headed by the senior hunter Mikhail Svetlov, and set them the task to kill the wounded she-bear. While Mikhail was in the forest and prepared traps for the beast, a tragedy happened in his family. His wife gave birth to a baby… Unfortunately, the baby was dead. After learning the terrible news, Mikhail refused to participate in the raid, realizing that he and she-bear had experienced the same grief. And he could not take the life of she-bear… of the mother, as she had become a killer only because of the people.

But nobody could predict that the fate of the unhappy young family and she-bear would be unexpectedly connected. And the outcome was soon to come…

Книга «She-bear» автора Keldyushov Alexandr оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
Для бесплатного просмотра предоставляются: аннотация, публикация, отзывы, а также файлы для скачивания.

  • Просмотров: 113
  • Рецензий: 0
Информация об издании
  • Переводчики: Тибор Крамер
  • Серия: Nabokov Prize Library
  • ISBN (EAN): 978-5-04-057532-9
  • Языки: en
  • Возрастное ограничение: 18
  • Год написания: 2017

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