“Jannie, Jannie, Jannie!” sobbed Zuidmeyer, getting himself into the corner and curling into a ball. “Not one word!”
“What in—?”
Kramer turned. A smooth-looking man, grey above the ears, impeccably dressed and manicured, was approaching the doorway. “Mr. Boyd-Smith? Don’t come in here, it’s a police matter. But I’d like to ask you one question. ” And he held out his warrant card.
“Y-yes, what is it?”
“Do you hold the will of a Mrs. Marie Louise Zuidmeyer?”
“We don’t handle wills; we’re strictly—”
“Thank you, sir, I will be out to explain in a minute,” said Kramer, and shut the door in his face. “It was a complete set-up, Mickey. ”
Zondi nodded and looked out of the window again. “Already there are cameras, boss,” he said. “And a man with a movie one, across there in that window. ”
“Jannnnniiie. …” howled Zuidmeyer. “Why? Why? Why?”
“Major, it’s Tromp Kramer.
Can you tell me what happened here?”Zuidmeyer knelt and looked up, his eyes no longer haunted but lit by a terrible light. “Nothing, Nothing! I came in. I. …”
“Go on, sir. ”
“I said to the boy: ‘Well, I’m here. What’s all this about?’
He looked at me. He said nothing. He—”
“Don’t stop, Major!”
“The boy looked at me. He said
“It’s a pity you were alone in the room with him, and we have only your word for all this. ”
“What?” said Zuidmeyer, staggering to his feet. “What’re you—?”
“As your wife’s inquest will show,” said Kramer, with a glance at Zondi, “your boy had something he wouldn’t want to confess to you, Major Zuidmeyer. ”