In Ireland in 1826 millions knew only famine, oppression and degradation. The landlords ground down the tenant famers; tithe wars and injustice were rife. But Dualta Duane battles against tyranny, struggling to survive the evils of hunger, poverty and disease. Courageous and fortified by an enduring love, Duane's unconquerable spirit personifies the love of freedom that raged in the soul of Ireland. Книга «The Silent People» автора Уолтер Мэккин оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читатель...
In Ireland in 1826 millions knew only famine, oppression and degradation. The landlords ground down the tenant famers; tithe wars and injustice were rife.
But Dualta Duane battles against tyranny, struggling to survive the evils of hunger, poverty and disease. Courageous and fortified by an enduring love, Duane's unconquerable spirit personifies the love of freedom that raged in the soul of Ireland.
Книга «The Silent People» автора Уолтер Мэккин оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 7.80 из 10.
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