"Guardian Devil found Kevin Smith (Clerks, Chasing Amy) confidently transitioning from writing acclaimed screenplays to comics that hit the top of the sales charts and critics' lists. It also found artist Joe Quesada at his peak as the stylist who would usher MARVEL COMICS into the 21st century-- both as an artist and its future editor in chief. It's a landmark story now available in this special 10th anniversary edition that looks back to the inaugural offering of the Marvel Knight im...
"Guardian Devil found Kevin Smith (Clerks, Chasing Amy) confidently transitioning from writing acclaimed screenplays to comics that hit the top of the sales charts and critics' lists. It also found artist Joe Quesada at his peak as the stylist who would usher MARVEL COMICS into the 21st century-- both as an artist and its future editor in chief. It's a landmark story now available in this special 10th anniversary edition that looks back to the inaugural offering of the Marvel Knight imprint." Книга «Daredevil: Guardian Devil» авторов Джо Кесада, Кевин Смит оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.59 из 10.
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