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London, 1933. Two months after Usha Pramal's body is discovered in the waters of a city canal, her brother, newly arrived in England, turns to Maisie Dobbs for help. Not only has Scotland Yard made no arrests, but evidence indicates they failed to conduct a full investigation. Usha had been staying at an ayah's hostel, a refuge for Indian women. As Maisie learns, Usha was different from the hostel's other residents. But with this discovery comes new danger, as a fellow lodger who ...

London, 1933. Two months after Usha Pramal's body is discovered in the waters of a city canal, her brother, newly arrived in England, turns to Maisie Dobbs for help. Not only has Scotland Yard made no arrests, but evidence indicates they failed to conduct a full investigation. Usha had been staying at an ayah's hostel, a refuge for Indian women. As Maisie learns, Usha was different from the hostel's other residents. But with this discovery comes new danger, as a fellow lodger who was close to Usha is found murdered.
As Maisie is pulled deeper into an unfamiliar yet captivating subculture, her investigation becomes clouded by the unfinished business of a previous case, and by a growing desire to see more of the world. At the same time, her lover, James Compton, gives her an ultimatum she cannot ignore. Bringing a crucial chapter in the life and times of Maisie Dobbs to a close, Leaving Everything Most Loved signals a vital turning point in this remarkable series. Книга «Leaving Everything Most Loved» автора Жаклин Уинспир оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.40 из 10.
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  • Просмотров: 214
  • Рецензий: 0
Информация об издании
  • Переводчики: не указаны
  • Серия: P.S.
  • ISBN (EAN): 978-0-06-204961-2
  • Языки: Английский
  • Возрастное ограничение: не указано
  • Год написания: 2014

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Исторический детектив
Невеста смерти
Невеста смерти

Судьба молодой чешки Маркеты была предопределена с самого ее рождения. Дочь цирюльника, а также владельца бани, она должна была, как и ее мать, стать банщицей – помогать посетителям мыться и позволять им всевозможные вольности. Но однажды ее судьба круто изменилась…В городок, где жила Маркета, привезли на лечение внебрачного сына императора Рудольфа II, дона Юлия, подверженного страшным приступам ...

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Исторический детектив
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