Morgan Terry - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Focus on Academic SKills for IELTS: Student Book, Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS, IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS is thematically linked to the Focus on IELTS coursebook. Students learn to integrate key words and phrases in their writing and speaking. It can also be used on its own for self-study, or as a short intensive IELTS course.
"Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS" is the ideal companion to Focus on IELTS Coursebook, providing further thematically-linked practice for each unit. It can also be used on its own for self-study or as a short intensive IELTS course. - Detailed information about the exam; - Guided practice for all four skills in each of the ten modules; - Language input for Speaking and Writing; -...
"IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2" provides essential practice in all four Modules of the IELTS examination: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. It includes: - SIX complete Practice Tests incorporating the 2005 modifications to the Writing Module. - additional Reading and Writing Modules for General Training candidates. Plus: - a full description of the exam. - strategy boxes training...
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