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Книги Julius Wiedemann

Julius Wiedemann - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: 100 Illustrators, Illustration Now! Portraits, Package Design in Japan. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Культура и искусство
100 Illustrators
100 Illustrators

Picture this. The biggest players in the highly competitive field of illustration. Culled from our Illustration Now! series is this selection of today's most successful and important illustrators from around the globe. In his introduction, Steven Heller fleshes out the challenging process of narrowing down a field of 600 illustrators to a selection of the 100 most significant. The final cu...

Package Design in Japan
Package Design in Japan

The proof is in the package. No other book on the market explores global contemporary packaging to the extent and detail that "Package Design Now!" does. Practically everything you buy comes in some sort of package - some are just functional, while others strive to be as innovative, elegant, and eye-catching as possible. This encyclopedic resource, divided into chapters by type (such as cosmetics,...