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Книги Кэрола Мэттьюса

Кэрол Мэттьюс - автор 20 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Повернута на тебе, Заветное место, Добро пожаловать в реальный мир. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Современная проза
Повернута на тебе
Повернута на тебе

В свои тридцать с небольшим Дженни ведет скромный образ жизни одинокой и чопорной британки. Даже на фоне своих отнюдь не самых раскрепощенных приятельниц она выглядит серой мышкой. Но ей самой противно быть робкой тихоней. Что делать? Отправиться в Африку! И судьба вознаграждает ее за столь решительный шаг: она встретила Доминика – мечту любой женщины. Мускулистый мачо перевернул ее представления ...

Современная проза
Заветное место
Заветное место

Добрая и скромная домохозяйка Аиша когда-то давно приехала в Великобританию со Шри-Ланки к будущему мужу, мечтая о большой и дружной семье. Но судьба сыграла с девушкой злую шутку: прекрасный принц оказался настоящим злодеем, а она сама стала практически пленницей в новом доме. И вот спустя шесть лет напуганная, но решительная Аиша вместе с маленькой дочерью выскальзывает из квартиры, оставляя по...

Современная проза
Добро пожаловать в реальный мир
Добро пожаловать в реальный мир

Талантливая, но неудачливая певица Ферн работает в одном из лондонских пабов, мечтая о том, что в один прекрасный день ее голос покорит публику. И однажды фортуна предоставляет девушке удивительный шанс: она знакомится с обворожительным Эваном- знаменитым и влиятельным оперным певцом. Их судьбоносная встреча дарит Ферн возможность воплотить свою самую заветную фантазию и радикально изменить прежню...

Любовный роман
В радости и в горе
В радости и в горе

От Джози уходит муж. И ей кажется, что ничего ужаснее быть не может. Но жизнь идет своим чередом, и ей предстоит отправиться за океан — в Америку, на свадьбу своей сестры. Впервые она уезжает из дома так далеко и одна. За это недолгое путешествие ей предстоит многое понять и переоценить, а еще — встретить новую любовь.

Любовный роман
With Love at Christmas
With Love at Christmas

Can the imperfect family really have the perfect Christmas? Juliet Joyce adores Christmas. She loves the presents, the tree, the turkey, the tinsel, everything. Already the festive spirit is upon her, which is just as well as this Christmas things are starting to get out of hand. Her son Tom is out of work and bringing home a slew of unsuitable partners; pregnant daughter Chloe and her little bo...

Любовный роман
Calling Mrs Christmas
Calling Mrs Christmas

Cassie was made redundant eight months ago and she is struggling to find another job to make ends meet. She loves her partner Jim but as a prison officer he doesn't make a lot of money and stuck in their tiny flat without the money for a wedding or to even start thinking about children she's rapidly falling into a state of depression. Until one day she has the brilliant idea to combine her passion...

The Difference a Day Makes
The Difference a Day Makes

You just never know what the difference a day can make. You just never know what the difference a day can make. What would you do if your life was turned upside down and everything that you’d ever relied on was taken away from you? That’s the dilemma that faces Amy Ashurst… One day she had everything – the next it was gone. William and Amy Ashurst are typical townies, but when Will collapses on h...

Summer Daydreams
Summer Daydreams

What if you had always dreamed of something more? Nell McNamara has a happy life: her boyfriend Olly adores her, their four-year-old daughter Petal is the centre of their world and Nell has a steady job in the local chip shop. When the chippy needs a makeover, Nell jumps at the chance to unleash the creativity fizzing inside her. Inspired by what she can achieve – and encouraged by the best fri...

A Cottage by the Sea
A Cottage by the Sea

A wonderful story of friendship, intrigue and romance Grace has always been best friends with Ella and Flick. The late-night chats, shared heartaches and good times have created a bond that has stood the test of time. When Ella invites them to stay for a week in her cottage in South Wales, Grace jumps at the chance to see her old friends. She also hopes that the change of scenery will help her r...

The Only Way Is Up
The Only Way Is Up

What do you do when there's nothing left to lose? Lily and Laurence Lamont-Jones had it all: lavish holidays in exotic locations, a top private school for their two children and a beautiful home in the Buckinghamshire countryside. Then Laurence loses his job, and their house and all their belongings are repossessed. With nowhere else to go, the family move into a flea-ridden council house o...

It's a Kind of Magic
It's a Kind of Magic

Their relationship seems to have lost its spark – it’s as though the magic has gone. Emma and Leo have been together – off and on – forever. But their relationship seems to have lost its spark – it’s as though the magic has gone.When Leo turns up at Emma’s thirtieth birthday dinner unforgivably late and horribly drunk, embarrassing her in front of her family, she can’t help wishing things were di...

Любовный роман
Let's Meet on Platform 8
Let's Meet on Platform 8

Suddenly Teri’s life is Brief Encounter meets Wuthering Heights After knocking her down while rushing to catch the 6.07 from London, Jamie Duncan bandages Teri Carter’s knee, buys her new stockings, seats her on the train with her foot in his lap and taxis her home from the station. Who says chivalry is dead? Not only is Jamie a romantic hero – tall, dark, with greeny-gold eyes and a Scottish bu...

Любовный роман
Пахнет скандалом
Пахнет скандалом

Роза Стивенс, молодой ароматерапевт, переживает любовную драму. Надеясь забыться в тихой деревенской жизни, она переезжает из Лондона в маленькую деревушку. Но деревенская жизнь не похожа на ту идиллию, какую она себе воображала. Старушки-соседки принимаются шпионить за ней, думая, что она проститутка. Большинство добропорядочных жителей ее игнорирует. По ночам Розе звонит какой-то сумасшедший. Но...

That Loving Feeling
That Loving Feeling

Ever wondered what you’d do if your relationship lost its spark? Juliet Joyce has been happily married for twenty-five years. But with two grown-up children who treat the house like a hotel, a seventy-year-old mother who’s just moved in, and a father who’s announced he’s gay, it’s hardly surprising that Juliet’s relationship with her husband Rick is beginning to suffer. Juliet’s resigned to ...

Любовный роман
Welcome to the Real World
Welcome to the Real World

If only, in the real world, things were that simple. Fern Kendal has the voice of an angel but, as a badly paid barmaid and pub singer, she’s going nowhere. Then she enters the TV talent show Fame Game and this could be her big break. If only, in the real world, things were that simple. Evan David’s exquisite tones have enthralled opera buffs throughout the world. His agent, his coach, his chauf...

It's Now or Never
It's Now or Never

Ever felt that it’s time to turn your life around?When twins Annie and Lauren attend their older sister Chelseas’ fortieth birthday party at the Dorchester Hotel, they wonder why their lives are so different. Why is Chelsea’s devoted husband twirling her round the dance floor, while Annie’s husband has gone fishing and Lauren’s lover is at home with his wife and children?There and then, they decid...

The Chocolate Lovers' Wedding
The Chocolate Lovers' Wedding

he ladies of The Chocolate Lovers' Club should be gearing up for the wedding of the year but life keeps getting in the way . . . Lucy is worried about her financial situation and it keeps distracting her. Should she accept an offer of help from an untrustworthy source? Nadia may have a real chance at finding love but other areas of her life aren't so rosy. Something needs to change - but wha...

The Chocolate Lovers' Christmas
The Chocolate Lovers' Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner but the women of The Chocolate Lovers' Club have more to worry about than present shopping . . . Lucy loves running Chocolate Heaven but she hasn't spent time with her boyfriend, Aiden, in weeks. And then her ex-fiance turns up and things become even more complicated. Nadia hasn't let herself get close to a man in a long time, yet she can't help feeling drawn to...

The Chocolate Lovers' Club
The Chocolate Lovers' Club

A sweet and delicious treat! For Lucy Lombard, there’s nothing that chocolate can’t cure. From heartache to headaches, it’s the one thing she knows that she can rely on – and she’s not alone. Fellow chocolate addicts Autumn, Nadia and Chantal share her passion and together they form The Chocolate Lovers’ Club. Whenever there’s a crisis, they meet in their sanctuary, a café called Chocolate Heave...