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Книги Валери Томас, Корки Пола

Валери Томас, Корки Пол - автор 15 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Винни и чёрный кот, Winnie in Winter, Winnie's Magic Wand. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Детская литература
Винни и чёрный кот
Винни и чёрный кот

Колдунья Винни живет в черном-пречерном доме и постоянно спотыкается о своего черного кота Вили. Чтобы избавиться от этой напасти, колдунье не раз придется произнести заветное заклинание?

Детская литература
Winnie in Winter
Winnie in Winter

Winnie the Witch is tired of winter. She's tired of shivering in the cold and looking out at her garden covered in snow. And Wilbur is tired of frozen fur and whiskers. So Winnie uses a little magic to bring summer and sunshine to her house. But just as she settles down in her deckchair . . . hordes of people arrive. With the unruly crowd comes noise, and mess, and chaos! Maybe winter isn't so ba...

Детская литература
Winnie's Magic Wand
Winnie's Magic Wand

Winnie the Witch is getting ready for the Witches' Magic Show. She can't wait to show off her favourite spells with her magic wand. But when Winnie inadvertently puts her wand in the washing machine with her party dress it comes out crumpled, soggy, and certainly not in working order! How is Winnie going to wow her friends at the show? Perhaps Wilbur has just the thing to bring a little magic into...

Детская литература
Winnie at the Seaside
Winnie at the Seaside

Winnie decides she needs a seaside break, so she and Wilbur zoom off to the coast. Winnie makes a beeline for the sea to cool down. Wilbur makes a beeline for anywhere other than the sea - he hates water, and can't bear getting wet. Winnie is having so much fun in the water that she doesn't notice her broomstick being washed out to sea. She waves her magic wand in an attempt to get t...

Детская литература
Проделки ведьмочки Винни. Шесть волшебных историй в одной книге
Проделки ведьмочки Винни. Шесть волшебных историй в одной книге

Знакомьтесь, ведьмочка Винни и её чёрный кот Вильбур. Винни любит Вильбура, оранжевые колготки, тыквенный суп и свою волшебную палочку. Вильбур любит Винни, кататься на метле, чизкейк и сворачиваться клубочком в своей корзинке. И, конечно же, Винни и Вильбур просто обожают приключения. Что делать, если ночью в дом забрался настоящий дракон? Как веселятся волшебники на вечеринках? Куда можно отправ...

Winnie Flies Again
Winnie Flies Again

Winnie the Witch loves travelling by broomstick. Sadly, when the sky starts filling up with all kinds of flying machines, Winnie and Wilbur have a few mid-air crashes and a few more near misses. Winnie tries a little magic to turn her broomstick into a bicycle, a skateboard, even a horse. But the accidents still happen. Perhaps Winnie needs to look no further than the end of her nose for an answer...

Детская литература
Winnie's New Computer
Winnie's New Computer

Winnie the Witch is very pleased with her new computer. She spends hours exploring just what it can do and even orders herself a new wand on the internet. Winnie becomes so wedded to technology that she decides to throw away her book of spells and her old wand - from now on all her magic will be at the click of a mouse! Then, while Winnie is asleep, Wilbur tries to pounce on the computer mouse and...

Детская литература
Winnie's Amazing Pumpkin
Winnie's Amazing Pumpkin

Winnie and Wilbur love their vegetables. They are regulars at the weekly farmers' market to stock up on their greens, but bringing them back home on a broomstick proves to be rather hazardous. So Winnie decides to grow her own and digs a vegetable patch in her garden. Not having the patience of a true gardener, she uses a little magic to speed up the growing process . . . only to e...

Детская литература
Happy Birthday Winnie!
Happy Birthday Winnie!

It's Winnie's birthday and she's celebrating in style with a garden party. She uses all sorts of magic to invite the guests and transform her garden into the perfect party venue. There are presents to unwrap and games to play but then things start to go wrong when Winnie toots on the magic trumpet that cousin Cuthbert has given her. All her guests disappear! Winnie's party is s...

Детская литература
Winnie in Space
Winnie in Space

Winnie is fascinated by space and she decides the time is right for a little space exploration. Wilbur is not so sure. Winnie's magical rocket is quite tricky to steer through the universe and poor Wilbur can't even bear to look. He feels a little less anxious when they land on a faraway planet and Winnie unpacks their special space picnic. The inhabitants of the planet are small, with l...

Winnie Under the Sea
Winnie Under the Sea

Winnie loves diving beneath the ocean waves . . Wilbur isn't so jure. So Winnie changes herself and her big black cat into creatures of the deep When Winnie's wand sinks out of sight, can she rescue it and then find a safe way to see the wonders of the sea?

Детская литература
Winnie's Midnight Dragon
Winnie's Midnight Dragon

It's just after midnight. Winnie has gone to bed and is snoring peacefully when Wilbur is woken by a strange noise. He goes downstairs to investigate and, to his horror, discovers a baby dragon squeezing through his cat-flap! Wilbur is not impressed by the scaly visitor, especially when it starts chasing him around Winnie's house. But the baby dragon just wants to play and, in his ex...

Winnie's Big Bad Robot (Winnie the Witch)
Winnie's Big Bad Robot (Winnie the Witch)

Winnie the Witch is very pleased when she turns her cardboard robot into a real one. Beep, beep! But when the naughty robot takes Winnie's wand, things start to get totally out of control. It's up to Wilbur, Winnie's lovable cat, to stop the magical mayhem and save the day.