Эд Лейси - автор 17 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Мертвый умирает вновь, Lead With Your Left, Enter Without Desire. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
В очередную книгу серии "Неизвестный детектив" вошли повести американских писателей Э.Лейси "Тайник для посвященных", Б.Холидея "Мертвый умирает вновь" и О.Смита "День Благодарения", а также хорошо известного отечественного писателя Г.М.Петросянца "Сокровища фельдмаршала Роммеля", "Секрет золотого ограбления", "Одиссея марок Сиданга", "Фифти-фифти, или Похищение Джоконды". Герои названных произве...
This is a novel, entirely a work of fiction. All characters, names, incidents, and places—including the village of 'End Harbor'—are completely imaginary and not intended to represent any persons, living or dead.
Ragged red streak crawling up the sand to where she was spread-legged on her belly... as if staring over the top of the sand dune. Dull-dark and bright red blood on the strong legs, the bathing suit. I was quite sorry Lu was dead.
It was almost 10 a.m. and starting to warm up as I walked slowly down the main street, stopping every few minutes to rest my light bag. It's the kind of a street you think about a lot when you're out of town... and then return and wonder why the hell you ever looked forward to seeing it again. I took in the skyscrapers, the movie houses, the gin mills, the bookie joints that passed as cigar stor...
It was a few minutes before eleven when I unlocked our door. The dumb lamp we had in the two-by-four “foyer” was on. The lamp looked like a drippy flower and cost fifty-seven bucks strictly because it was imported from Denmark. If all their lamps are like this job they must be blind over there. I could just about make out the couch opened as a bed, was surprised Mary was in the hay so early. I cal...