Rice Heidi - автор 17 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Geras, blogas ir pašėlęs, Pašėlusi pamergė, Salsa, šokoladas ir karšti bučiniai. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
What to expect when you’re unexpectedly expecting: – Shock: Telling a gorgeous (almost) total stranger that he’s going to be a dad is never easy! – Cravings: The instant chemistry that catapulted Tess Tremaine into the wildest night she’s ever had isn’t just going to go away – and no one says no to Nate Graystone when he’s determined to be involved…– Hormones Gone Wild: Surely that’s the only reas...
Nikas Delisantras garsėja savo kuriamais scenarijais, išvaizda ir, be abejonės, blogo berniuko įvaizdžiu. O štai Eva visą gyvenimą jautėsi neįvertinta. Ir dabar ji turi stoti akis į akį su šiuo žaviu tamsiaplaukiu – tai vienintelė jos proga būti paaukštintai.Nikas niekaip neįstengia nustoti spoksoti į paslaptingą merginą. Jos apranga labai išraiškinga, tačiau nuo jo žvilgsnio ji dreba tarsi kiškis...
Rescued by a bone-meltingly handsome stranger!After a run-in with a Californian con-man, Scottish Iona MacCabe has no money and nowhere to go. She quickly discovers LA can be a very unfriendly city without tons of hard cash… Millionaire security expert Zane Montoya can hardly leave a pretty Scottish tourist at a dodgy motel to fend for herself. His long-lost chivalrous side takes over: he turns on...
Keturių knygų serija „Vestuvių sezonas“. Trečia knyga.Džina Karington moka linksmintis. Tačiau praleidusi naktį su draugės broliu Karteriu, kuris nepaiso jokių ribų gyvenime, Džina supranta, kad ir pati peržengė savąsias.Po metų, ruošdamasi draugės vestuvėms, Džina ir vėl susitinka Karterį. Ir ją užvaldo įkyri mintis praleisti jo glėbyje dar vieną naktį. Karteris vienišas, žavingas, bet po ramaus ...
Bet sugavusi Keilamo Vestmoro viliojančių akių žvilgsnį nurausta it kokteilinė vyšnaitė. Kūnas nemeluoja: dabar, kai Keilamo kabrioletas su trenksmu įlėkė į jos gyvenimą, niekas nebebus kaip buvę.Rubė įpratusi laikyti gyvenimo vairą savo rankose, bet kažkas jau kužda, kad Keilamas permato kiaurai jos nepriekaištingus salsos judesius ir šmaikščius juokelius. Rubė rizikuoja prarasti kontrolę ir – o ...
I’ve drawn her into my world… And she’s mine to awaken! And she’s mine to awaken! Walking into my casino, Edie Spencer seemed like a spoilt heiress—until she agreed to clear her family’s debts by posing as my temporary mistress. My plan? To use her to expose my business rivals. Yet discovering Edie’s innocence has led to greater temptation than I could have imagined. Our chemistry is spectacular—n...
#WorstDatesEverAfter a nasty breakup, Tally Gladstone has no interest in anything serious. But she's dipped her wary toe back into dating with a few blind dates–all bad…or worse. The only good thing to come out of it is a sizable following on social media. Her latest date is doomed from the get-go–he isn't even straight. But at least he knows someone who meets her every very exacting wish#EpicHotL...
From desert seduction… …to carrying the sheikh’s baby! Kasia’s thrilling encounter with Prince Raif rocked her to the core. As did his marriage proposal! Yes, she’d given him her innocence after his daring desert rescue. Yes, their chemistry had been intensely strong. But independent Kasia didn’t need or want a husband. She reluctantly fled, thinking she’d never see him again… Until weeks later at...
Halle Best, TV's Domestic Diva, is proud of everything she's achieved.Halle took her passion for baking and built her media empire alone after her ex Luke walked out on her sixteen years ago, leaving her a single mum to their two-year-old daughter Lizzie in a dingy flat in Hackney.Now a bona fide celebrity success, she only speaks to Luke via her lawyer. But as he is threatening to write a tell-al...
From penniless delivery girl… To billionaire’s bride? The perfect summer Ally Jones spent with gorgeous French billionaire Dominic LeGrand was unforgettable, despite her unrequited feelings. Now, Ally’s a struggling courier and is stunned when her latest delivery brings her to Dominic’s door. Yet, what’s even more shocking, is his proposal! Dominic needs a temporary wife, but with the enticing pro...
‘A sizzling summer read! – Sarah MorganIs home always where the heart is?When Ellie spent a summer with her mum on a Wiltshire commune in the 90s it was a bigger disaster than Leo DiCaprio’s trip aboard the Titanic – so fleeing to America seemed a perfect plan.But now, with her marriage falling apart, running back to her mum seems like the only option for her and her son Josh.She wasn’t expecting ...
The man she loves to hate……is the only man she wants!Stranded in Italy, Katie Whittaker is horrified when sexy security billionaire Jared Caine rescues her. After humiliatingly rejecting innocent Katie years before, he’s as complicated and brooding as ever. To protect Katie, Jared demands that she stay at his luxury villa. But as sexual tension builds will the temptation finally to succumb to thei...
A battle of wills that’s about to get…heated!Sabrina knows her role as Maid of Honour for her bff’s wedding – to-do lists, spreadsheets… she’s totally in control. The best man is a whole different matter! They met once years ago but now Connor McCoy’s become the super-sexy, squillionaire type. And now she’s heard some intriguing rumours about what he likes in the bedroom…and it’s making her just a...
Still legally wedded…Xanthe Carmichael has just discovered two things:1. Her ex-husband could take half of her business2. She’s actually still married to him!When she jets off to New York, divorce papers in hand, Xanthe is prepared for the billionaire bad boy’s slick offices… but not for the spear of lust that hits her the moment she sees Dane Redmond again! Has her body no shame, no recall of the...
He's the billionaire she should resist……but he's the billionaire she’s bound to!Hotel tycoon Lukas Blackstone is shocked to learn he has an orphaned nephew – and infuriated by the electricity sizzling between him and his nephew’s guardian, Bronte! Despite their powerful attraction, Lukas knows to steer clear of Bronte – he learned the hard way that family life isn’t for him. But when the sensation...
Milijonierius Rajenas Kingas persigandęs: jį ką tik iš vandenyno ištraukė daili gelbėtoja! Kodėl po mėnesių, praleistų reabilitacijos klinikoje, jis vėl stojosi ant banglentės? Dėl tos pačios priežasties, dėl kurios geidžia aistringos moters – kad įrodytų, jog tebėra toks vyras, koks buvo anksčiau…Gelbėtoja Medė sutrinka pajutusi, kaip ją veikia išgelbėtas gražuolis banglentininkas – vien nuo jo ž...