Phillips Carly - автор 11 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Suviliok, jei išdrįsi, Slaptos fantazijos, Savaitė dviese. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Physical therapist Brianne Nelson has never worked on a body this hot before….Injured detective Jake Lowell is determined to get his man. Only, he finds his woman first. Night after night, Brianne has fantasized about the sexy stranger she met at the café where she works part-time. She never guesses that stranger will turn out to be a client….Thanks to his wealthy sister, Jake is the recipient of ...
Samantha Reed is willing to settle into marriage as a trophy wife to a wealthy older man–if it will help her aging father pay off his debts.But not before having her first, last and only fling–cramming a lifetime's worth of lust into one weekend with the first available guy she finds. And when her car breaks down near a roadside tavern, she sets her sights on the sexy bartender–Mac Mackenzie…the p...
Nii hea välimus peaks seadusega keelatud olema…Seksikas lahutusadvokaat Jack Latham on suurepärane kohtus ja veel parem voodis. Tal pole soovi loobuda armumängudest, kuni kõrge profiiliga juhtum paneb ta töötama koos tema advokaadifirma kaastöötaja, jääkuninganna Mallory Sinclairiga. Aastaid on Mallory autoriteet ja jahe professionaalsus meesoost kolleegidele seadus olnud. Aga daamil on saladus. J...
Taip puikiai atrodyti turėtų būti uždrausta įstatymų.Seksualus skyrybų advokatas Džekas Latamas yra tiesiog nepakartojamas teismo salėje. Be to, nevengia vienadienių romanų, bent jau iki tos akimirkos, kai ypač svarbią bylą jam tenka nagrinėti kartu su Melori Sinkler, advokatų kontoros ledo karaliene.Jau ne vienus metus šios teisininkės profesionalumas žavi kolegas. Ir niekas net neįtaria, kad Mel...
Čikagos spauda mirga nuo antraščių: „Gerbiamo senatoriaus dukra pabėgo iš savo vestuvių, palikusi prie altoriaus perspektyvų jauną politiką.“Džuljeta ieško nuošalios vietos, kur galėtų pasislėpti nuo persekiojančių žurnalistų ir išsigydyti širdies žaizdas. Ji atsiduria privačioje saloje, kurios savininkės tikslas – išpildyti slapčiausias čia atvykusiųjų fantazijas. Nusivylusi meile Džuljeta svajoj...
Samanta Ryd ryžtasi ištekėti už savo turtingo viršininko ir taip ištraukti mylimą tėvą iš skolų. Bet prieš įsipareigodama padovanos sau aistringą nuotykį: puls į glėbį kokiam žaviam nepažįstamajam ir praleis su juo nepakartojamą savaitę. Ji to nusipelnė – juk prieš akis gyvenimas su nemylimu vyru.Palikusi sugedusį automobilį dykumoje Samanta atsiduria pakelės užeigoje. Jos žvilgsnį patraukia seksu...
Juliette Stanton is ten minutes away from vowing to love, honor and cherish a scheming mobster-connected liar. For the rest of her life.And so with the media watching her every move, the high-profile senator's daughter flees her own wedding. Dubbed «Chicago's Runaway Bride,» Juliette needs somewhere to hide out, and heal her broken heart. So she heads to a «fantasy island» and pays big bucks for a...
New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips continues to delight her many fans with this steamy tale of two unlikely lovers who come together in a way that is…Simply Scandalous. Wealthy Assistant D.A. Logan Montgomery needs to ruin his reputation–fast! That's the only way he'll be able to convince his father that he's not cut out to follow the family tradition of going into politics. His plan...
Easy money. That’s why P.I. Ben Callahan agrees to take the job of watching over spoiled heiress Grace Montgomery.But he soon discovers she has a reckless streak a mile wide. She’s determined to experience everything she’s been missing…including a chance to explore her sensual side. And she wants to do that exploring with Ben!He’s not complaining–it’s just too bad what they’ve got going won’t last...
Detective Kane McDermott might be fighting a bad case of burnout, but that doesn’t mean he’s taking things easy. His latest assignment is to investigate Kayla Luck, to discover if the etiquette school she runs for awkward businessmen is really some kind of escort service. It looks cut-and-dried…until he sets eyes on Kayla. She’s smart, but she’s also trusting to a fault–and the heat that flares up...
Lawyer Mallory Sinclair wants a partnership–almost as much as she wants fellow attorney Jack Latham. Unfortunately, she's worked so hard at making it in a man's world, that nobody's aware that she's even a woman–a very sensual woman. But Jack's about to find out, big time. Because Mallory's about to send him an invitation he can't refuse…. Jack can't believe it!Underneath Mallory's power suits lie...