Харт Крейн - автор 8 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: A Collection of Critical Essays, The Bridge: A Poem, Стихотворения. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Begun in 1923 and published 1930, The Bridge is Crane's major work. "Very roughly," he wrote a friend, "it concerns a mystical synthesis of 'America' . . . The initial impulses of 'our people' will have to be gathered up toward the climax of the bridge, symbol of our constructive future, our unique identity.
"Crane's poetry has been a touchstone for me, and remains central to a fully imaginative understanding of American literature."?Harold Bloom Hart Crane, prodigiously gifted and tragically doom-eager, was the American peer of Shelley, Rimbaud, and Lorca. Born in Garrettsville, Ohio, on July 21, 1899, Crane died at sea on April 27, 1932, an apparent suicide. A born poet, totally devoted to h...
This edition features a new introduction by Harold Bloom as a centenary tribute to the visionary of White Buildings (1926) and The Bridge (1930). Hart Crane, prodigiously gifted and tragically doom-eager, was the American peer of Shelley, Rimbaud, and Lorca. Born in Garrettsville, Ohio, on July 21, 1899, Crane died at sea on April 27, 1932, an apparent suicide. A born poet, totally devoted to his ...
This edition features over three hundred letters, selected to best illustrate the complexity and textures of Hart Crane's turbulent life ?? from family pressures, to his creative ambition, to his homosexuality.
Очередной том (сокращенный – по причине отсутствия авторских прав на переводы) из многотомной серии сборников под общим названием «Шедевры тысячелетия», представляющих в лучших переводах самую знаменитую часть творчества поэтов, собранных в уникальных антологиях – «Антологии антологий. Поэты США» и «Антологии антологий. Поэты Великобритании».