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Книги Колсона Уайтхеда

Колсон Уайтхед - автор 8 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Подземная железная дорога, John Henry Days, Sag Harbor. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Подземная железная дорога
Подземная железная дорога

Роман Колсона Уайтхеда получил несколько престижных премий, газета New York Times назвала его бестселлером номер один, им восхищаются литературные критики и видные общественные деятели. Это история о борьбе с рабством в Америке XIX века, и историческая правда переплетена в ней не только с художественным вымыслом, но и с фантастическими допущениями. Подземной железной дорогой называли организацию, ...

John Henry Days
John Henry Days

In a glowing review of Colson Whitehead's first novel, The Intuitionist, the" New York Times Book Review "concluded, "Literary reputations may not always rise and fall as predictably as elevators, but if there's any justice in the world of fiction, Colson Whitehead's should be heading toward the upper floors." With John Henry Days, Colson Whitehead delivers on the promise of his cri...

Sag Harbor
Sag Harbor

It's the summer of 1985 and Benji is determined that this is the summer when things will change and he'll fit in. For starters, he'll be reinvented as 'Ben'. When that doesn't catch on, it's another summer of the perpetual mortification that is teenage existence. Benji spends most of the year as one of the only black kids at an elite prep school in Manhatt...

The Nickel Boys
The Nickel Boys

In this bravura follow-up to the Pulitzer Prize, and National Book Award-winning #1 New York Times bestseller The Underground Railroad , Colson Whitehead brilliantly dramatizes another strand of American history through the story of two boys sentenced to a hellish reform school in Jim Crow-era Florida. As the Civil Rights movement begins to reach the black enclave of Frenchtown in segregated Ta...

Zone One
Zone One

A pandemic has devastated the planet, sorting humanity into two types: the uninfected and the infected, the living and the living dead. The worst of the plague is now past, and Manhattan is slowly being resettled. Armed forces have successfully reclaimed the island south of Canal Street – aka ‘Zone One’ and teams of civilian volunteers are clearing out the remaining infected ‘stragglers’. Mark S...

Классическая литература
The Colossus of New York: A City in 13 Parts
The Colossus of New York: A City in 13 Parts

Book DescriptionIn a dazzlingly original work of nonfiction, the award-winning novelist Colson Whitehead re-creates the exuberance, the chaos, the promise, and the heartbreak of New York. Here is a literary love song that will entrance anyone who

Литература на английском языке
Apex Hides the Hurt
Apex Hides the Hurt

From the MacArthur and Whiting Award — winning author of and comes a new, brisk, comic tour de force about identity,history, and the adhesive bandage industry. When the citizens of Winthrop needed a new name for their town, they did what anyone would do — they hired a consultant. The protagonist of is a nomenclature consultant. If you want just the right name for your new product, whether it be au...

Современная проза
Мальчишки из «Никеля»
Мальчишки из «Никеля»

«Мальчишки из «Никеля» – это история афроамериканского подростка Элвуда Кертиса, мечтавшего стать учителем, но оказавшегося в исправительном школе за преступление, которого не совершал. Жизнь в ней оказывается больше похожа на ад, и единственным спасением Элвуда становится дружба с другим воспитанником – Тернером. Элвуд безнадежно наивен и верит в торжество справедливости, а Тернер убежден в том, ...