David Falvey - автор 16 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Market Leader: Intermediate Business English: Course Book, Market Leader: Intermediate (Course Book), Market Leader: Pre-Intermediate (Course Book). Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
The new edition of Market Leader features all the successful features of this popular series together with fresh, up-to-date material. - Students learn from stimulating authentic materials such as the world-renowned Financial Times. - Engaging Case Study tasks provide an opportunity to practice business communication skills in realistic business scenarios. - A wide range of components and spe...
With its combination of stimulating, informational content and systematic skills work, Language Leader is the ideal course to develop students' analytical and communicative excellence. Language Leader is a general adult course that provides a thought-provoking and purposeful approach to learning English. With its engaging content and systematic skills work, it is the ideal course for stude...
Предлагаем вашему вниманию комплекс для изучения английского языка "Language Leader". Средний уровень (Intermediate).
Market Leader is the major business English course for tomorrow's business leaders. Incorporating material from the Financial Times(c), it bring business right into the classroom. All the Course Books have self-study CD-ROMS which include video material and interactive case studies. Challenge your students with 'Case Studies' that range from planning a project to choosing the best s...
Each course book contains 12-14 topic-based units, depending on the level, with additional review units. There are also Grammar and Writing reference sections and a glossary of business terms at the back. A new edition of the Intermediate
From the world's most informed business sources... a new language course for tomorrow's business leaders. Business is changing faster now than ever. Market Leader is a distinctive new business English course which reflects this
Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as the Financial Times.
Market Leader Upper Intermediate New Edition retains the dynamic and effective approach to business English that has made the course so successful in classes worldwide. With its new listening content and thoroughly updated material from authentic business sources such as the Financial Times, it reflects the fast-changing world of business. New Self-Study CD-ROMs contain: - Video; - Inter...
Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as the Financial Times.
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in the modern world of business. The third edition has been completely updated to reflect this fast-changing world.
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in the modern world of business. The third edition has been completely updated to reflect this fast-changing world.
New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and use English in a globalised world.
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in the modern world of business. The third edition has been completely updated to reflect this fast-changing world.
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in the modern world of business. The third edition has been completely updated to reflect this fast-changing world.
Издание полностью на английском языке. Practice file - рабочая тетрадь с аудио-диском. Благодаря своим основным чертам - аутентичным материалам из газеты "The Financial Times", специальным компонентам по отдельным отраслям бизнеса - "Market Leader" стал самым популярным и авторитетным учебником делового английского языка. Уровни: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate. Ком...
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in the modern world of business. The third edition has been completely updated to reflect this fast-changing world.