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Книги Эмми Лейбурн

Эмми Лейбурн - автор 7 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Монумент 14, Небо в огне, Savage Drift. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Монумент 14
Монумент 14

Привычного мира больше нет. Нет Нью-Йорка, нет Бостона. Огромное цунами слизнуло их и принесло с собой целый ряд ужасающих катастроф. Разрушены склады с химическим оружием, отравляющим тело и разум человека. Воздух и вода заражены. Шесть старшеклассников. Два восьмиклассника. Шесть первоклашек. Один супермаркет. В нем есть все, чтобы выжить, но надолго ли? Как решить множество насущных вопросов: о...

Небо в огне
Небо в огне

Попав в супермаркет, после череды разрушающего града и ужасающего разлива химических веществ, братья Дин и Алекс, научились выживать и работать вместе с другими двенадцатью детьми, чтобы построить себе убежище от хаоса. Но потом пришли другие, разрушая их хрупкий мир, принесли проблемы и проблески надежды.Зная, что химическое оружие, насыщающие воздух, превратит его в кровожадного яростного монстр...

Savage Drift
Savage Drift

Dean, Alex, and the other survivors of the Monument 14 have escaped the disaster zone and made it to the safety of a Canadian refugee camp. Some of the kids have even been reunited with their families and are making tentative plans for the future. Then, Niko learns that his lost love, Josie, has survived ... For Josie, separated from the group and presumed dead, life has gone fro...

Monument 14
Monument 14

Your mother hollers that you’re going to miss the bus. She can see it coming down the street. You don’t stop and hug her and tell her you love her. You don’t thank her for being a good, kind, patient mother. Of course not—you launch yourself down the stairs and make a run for the corner. Only, if it’s the last time you’ll ever see your mother, you sort of start to wish you’d stopped and did tho...

Dress Your Marines in White
Dress Your Marines in White

It was just a test report. Like one of many, many he’d written up in the past. Except this time, several of the test subjects are dead…” At first, Dr. James Cutlass had thought his new job at NORAD was thrilling and full of opportunities, but that was before the demonstration… “Dress Your Marines in White” is the story of the terrifying choices surrounding a chemical weapons demonstration gone ...

Jake and the Other Girl
Jake and the Other Girl

The apocalypse has hit Monument, Colorado, and Jake Simonsen, captain of the football team, is caught in the middle of it. A series of escalating disasters, beginning with a monster hailstorm and ending with a terrible chemical weapons spill that affects people differently depending on blood type, has torn the world as he knows it apart. Now Jake has to decide how to pick up the pieces.“Jake and t...

What Mario Scietto Says
What Mario Scietto Says

Despite all his disaster planning, and the bomb shelter he built under his shed, Mario Scietto was not prepared for the apocalypse that hit Monument, Colorado. A series of escalating disasters, beginning with a monster hailstorm and ending with a terrible chemical weapons spill that affects people differently depending on blood type, has torn the world as he knows it apart. “What Mario Says” is se...