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Книги Джеймса Босуэлла

Джеймс Босуэлл - автор 8 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Жизнь Сэмюэля Джонсона, Boswell's London Journal, 1762-1763, The Life of Samuel Johnson: Including a Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, Volume 2. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Литературная критика
Жизнь Сэмюэля Джонсона
Жизнь Сэмюэля Джонсона

Знаменитый труд Джеймса Босуэлла (1740-1795), посвященный выдающемуся английскому литератору, лексикографу и издателю Сэмюэлю Джонсону (1709-1784), выходит за рамки биографии - это своеобразная энциклопедия интеллектуальной жизни Англии XVII века.

Мемуары и биографии
A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland and The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland and The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides

Samuel Johnson's A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland and James Boswell's The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides recounts their tour of Scotland in 1773. While Johnson focuses on Scotland itself, Boswell is even keener on presenting his friend to the notables of his homeland. Together they form a complete account of a fascinating journey, two intriguing personalities, and of a soc...

The Life of Samuel Johnson, Volume 1
The Life of Samuel Johnson, Volume 1

In Boswell?s ?The Life of Samuel Johnson?, one of the most gigantic figures of English literature is exposed with unparalleled immediacy and originality. This biography also details Johnson\'s prolific years in London where he gained popularity as a writer.

Мемуары и биографии
A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland: with The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland: with The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides

In 1773, the great Samuel Johnson–then 63–and his young friend and future biographer, James Boswell, traveled together around the coast of Scotland, each writing his own account of the 83-day journey. Published in one volume, the very different travelogues of this unlikely duo provide a fascinating picture not only of the Scottish Highlands but also of the relationship between two men whose fame w...

Мемуары и биографии
Boswell's London Journal, 1762-1763
Boswell's London Journal, 1762-1763

In 1762 James Boswell, then twenty-two years old, left Edinburgh for London. The famous Journal he kept during the next nine months is an intimate account of his encounters with the high-life and the low-life in London. Frank and confessional as a

Мемуары и биографии
Boswell's Life of Johnson
Boswell's Life of Johnson

The world would probubly have lad the most perfect example of biography that WBS ever exhibited. But although he at different times, in a desultory manner, committed to writing many particu1ars of the progress of his mind and fortunes, he neyer had persevering diligence enough to form them into a regular composition.

Преднамеренная практика в когнитивно-поведенческой терапии
Преднамеренная практика в когнитивно-поведенческой терапии

Отработка ключевых навыков в КПТ на практике В центре внимания этой книги находится проблема, с которой сталкиваются многие психотерапевты, от студентов-начинающих, до опытных специалистов, — разрыв между теоретическими знаниями о психотерапии и способностью надежно проводить ее, применяя эти знания на практике. Для преодоления этой проблемы авторы предлагают использовать преднамеренную практику, ...