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Книги Дэвида Джона Константайна

Дэвид Джон Константайн - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Чай в "Мидлэнде", Tea at the Midland: And Other Stories, The Shieling. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Чай в
Чай в "Мидлэнде"

Любовники из рассказа Дэвида Константайна ?Чай в ?Мидлэнде?? пререкаются на тему ?гений и злодейство?, хотя, скорей всего, подоплека ссоры - любовь и нравственность. Пер. с англ. А. Борисенко, В. Сонькин

The Shieling
The Shieling

Driven to abscond from the pressures of everyday life, the characters in this collection turn to strange ideas, distant places, and private languages in search of escape. At times the characters appear absurd, like the vicar who strikes up a conversation with the devil, and at other times they seem unreachably lonely, like the man drowned in the black waters of the Irwell, but each is presented wi...

Tea at the Midland: And Other Stories
Tea at the Midland: And Other Stories

**Selected as one of the Books of the Year 2012 by the TLS and the London Evening Standard** **WINNER of the BBC National Short Story Prize** To the woman watching they looked like grace itself, the heart and soul of which is freedom. It pleased her particularly that they were attached by invisible strings to colourful curves of rapidly moving air. How clean and clever that was! You throw up somet...