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Книги Emma Reeves

Emma Reeves - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Torchwood: Outbreak, The Diary of River Song: Series 4, Torchwood: Forgotten Lives. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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The Diary of River Song: Series 4
The Diary of River Song: Series 4

When River Song visits a place where time has vanished, a genie escapes its bottle? the Discordia are freed - nihilistic time pirates, in devilish form, altering the past to make sure they never lose. This time, River may have met her match. And involving the Doctor can only make things worse?

Torchwood: Outbreak
Torchwood: Outbreak

"First they know you, then you love, then you kill..." A medical trial's gone terribly wrong, and one of the test subjects is loose on the streets of Cardiff. Within hours a virus is raging out of control and the bodies start piling up. The Government scrambles to control the outbreak, but isn't too keen on anyone finding out the dark history of the virus. Captain Jack Harkness has...

Torchwood: Forgotten Lives
Torchwood: Forgotten Lives

It has been four years since the Miracle, and Gwen and Rhys's lives have gone back to normal, very normal. They're raising their daughter (they've got pictures they'd be only too happy to show you), they're living in a nice house, and they're almost on top of the laundry. Captain Jack Harkness has been missing from the world and their lives for a long time. But lat...