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Книги Аманды Хит

Аманда Хит - автор 5 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Это прекрасное мгновение, This beautiful thing, Wrong Kind of Love. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Это прекрасное мгновение
Это прекрасное мгновение

У Теган Харпер нет большого опыта с парнями. Ее братья-близнецы позаботились об этом. Пока однажды на вечеринке она не попадает в объятия самого удивительного парня, с которым раньше не встречалась. Теперь у нее задача найти его, так как она убежала из его постели. И даже забыла спросить его имя…

This beautiful thing
This beautiful thing

Teagan Harper doesn’t have much experience with guys. Her twin brothers have made sure of that. Until one night at a college party she gives them the slip, finding herself in the arms of the most amazing guy she has ever met. Now she's on a mission to find him since she ran from his bed. And forgot to ask his name... Declan Sage has had control over his entire life. But that is all about to cha...

Wrong Kind of Love
Wrong Kind of Love

The first time I ever saw Caden Harper I’m pretty sure I fell in love. All that golden hair and pale blue eyes. He was mysterious and covered in paint. I found it endearing and wanted nothing more than to find out all his secrets. I gave that man things I would never give anyone else. He blew it though. Which I shouldn’t be surprised considering he is a womanizer. So I moved on, well kind of. Jad...

Break Me (Make or Break #2)
Break Me (Make or Break #2)

“Wes, I don’t know what you want me to say here.” Royal’s voice is broken. Maybe he is broken. Maybe I broke him. Lord knows I’m broken myself. “Don’t say anything,” I start off with. There are so many things I want to tell him. The one thing I want him to know, that I want him, I will never say aloud. “When push comes to shove Royal, you’ll break me. I’d never be the same after you. I’d be a she...

Make Me
Make Me

Paisley Vaughn grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. After finding her mother dead from an overdose, Paisley and her baby sister are shipped off to live with her maternal grandparents. She always knew they were rich, she just didn’t realize how rich they were. Now she’s being forced to go to a prestigious high school. One where the tuition is more money then she’s ever seen. Thinking thes...