Райян Боденхейм - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Fear Itself: Deadpool/Fearsome Four, Relay #1. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
A perfect future of intergalactic travel and community. Every newly discovered planet is unified culturally through a monolithic structure known as the Galactic Relay. Although the towering monument is meant to inspire conformity of ideas, technology, and progress – many resent the foreign structure. Jad Carter, a Relay employee, must keep the peace and act as an emissary to new civilizations. But...
Deadpool and the Fearsome Four! The Merc with a Mouth cooks up a plan to turn a profit from Fear Itself by creating his own Worthy out of a sledgehammer and the dimwitted D-lister the Walrus, who he dupes into putting the scare into some local yokels in New Mexico. But the plan goes pear-shaped when it turns out the hammer has powers of its own, and the tusked twit brandishing it gets wise to Dead...
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