Лео Штраус - автор 19 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Введение в политическую философию, Естественное право и история, "О тирании". Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Предлагаемый вниманию читателя сборник работ известного философа, создателя американской политической философии Лео Штрауса посвящен ключевым проблемам классической и современной политической мысли. Требовательная постановка принципиальных проблем сочетается у Штрауса с глубоким анализом классических политических произведений Платона, Аристотеля, Макиавелли, Гоббса, Локка, Спинозы, Руссо, Гегеля, ...
Книга известного политолога Лео Штрауса посвящена анализу понятия естественного права в истории политической философии от Сократа до Бёрка. В присущей ему ясной и острой манере Штраус выявляет причины и основания, заставляющие мыслителей разных эпох и школ признавать (или не признавать) существование естественного права как такового. Именно отказ от классических представлений о естественном праве,...
Работа известного историка политической философии, одного из наиболее влиятельных консервативных мыслителей XX столетия представляет собой обширный комментарий к диалогу Ксенофонта "Гиерон или Слово о тирании". В книгу входят также критическая рецензия А.Кожева и ответ на нее Л.Штрауса. Сочинения Л.Штрауса в русском переводе публикуются впервые.
For according to Plato as well as to Aristotle, to the extent to which the human problem cannot be solved by political means it can be solved only by philosophy, by and through the philosophic way of life. Plato too presents men who are not good or who are then bad, but he does this only to present all the more clearly the character of the good men, and this is his chief theme. Poetry, however, pr...
This concise and accessible introduction to Strauss's thought provides, for wider audience, a bridge to his more complex theoretical work. Editor Pangle has gathered five of Strauss's previously unpublished lectures and five hard-to-find published writings and has arranged them so as to demonstrate the systematic progression of the major themes that underlay Strauss's mature work. "[These essay...
The author starts from the premiss that “the most important aspect of the study of history is . . . historiography.” He means by this that the most important aspect of the study of the political history of classical Greece is the critical study of Herodotus, Thucydides and Xenophon. He selected Xenophon because “the problems of the composition” of the Hellenica–in contradistinction apparently to t...
In one of his last books, Socrates and Aristophanes, Leo Strauss's examines the confrontation between Socrates and Aristophanes in Aristophanes' comedies. Looking at eleven plays, Strauss shows that this confrontation is essentially one between poetry and philosophy, and that poetry emerges as an autonomous wisdom capable of rivaling philosophy. "Strauss gives us an impressive addition to his l...
Xenophon's only true Socratic discourse, the Oeconomicus, is a dialogue between Socrates and a gentleman-farmer on the art of household management and the art of farming as practiced on a gentleman's estate. It is generally acknowledged to be the oldest surviving work devoted to "economics," and it constitutes the classic statement of "economic" thought in ancient Greece. The dialogue ex...
The City and Man consists of provocative essays by the late Leo Strauss on Aristotle's Politics, Plato's Republic, and Thucydides' Peloponnesian Wars. Together, the essays constitute a brilliant attempt to use classical political philosophy as a means of liberating modern political philosophy from the stranglehold of ideology. The essays are based on a long and intimate familiarity ...
Social Research, Vol. 6, No. 4 (November 1939)
Xenophon's only true Socratic discourse, the Oeconomicus is a dialogue between Socrates and a gentleman-farmer on the art of household management and the art of farming as practiced on a gentleman's estate. It is generally acknowledged to be the oldest surviving work devoted to "economics" and it constitutes the classic statement of "economic" thought in ancient Greece. This book offers ...
On Tyranny is Leo Strauss’s classic reading of Xenophon’s dialogue Hiero, or Tyrannicus, in which the tyrant Hiero and the poet Simonides discuss the advantages and disadvantages of exercising tyranny. Included are a translation of the dialogue from its original Greek, a critique of Strauss’s commentary by the French philosopher Alexandre Kojève, and the complete correspondence between the two. ...
Relying exclusively on the texts, Professor Strauss analyzes and compares every seemingly casual utterance as well as the more formal statements to recover the true Socrates and to determine the character of political philosophy. He investigates its origins, possibilities, and intention against the nonphilosophical background from which it emerged.
Interpretation, Vol. 4, No. 3 (Spring 1975)
Explores the impact on Jews and Judaism of the crisis of modernity, analyzing modern Jewish dilemmas and providing a prescription for their resolution. This is the first book to bring together the major essays and lectures of Leo Strauss in the field of modern Jewish thought. It contains some of his most famous published writings, as well as significant writings which were previously unpublishe...
Книга политического философа Лео Штрауса, опубликованная в 1964 году и сразу заработавшая у рецензентов репутацию «провокационной» из-за демонстративного нежелания автора считаться с догмами и предрассудками современной политической и исторической науки, является важной частью штраусовского проекта реставрации классической политической философии. В центре внимания автора находятся три фигуры, важн...