Jerome Opena - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Uncanny X-Force, Volume 7: Final Execution, Book 2, Uncanny X-Force, Volume 4: The Dark Angel Saga, Book 2. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
The Final Execution kicks into high gear, as what's left of the battered and beaten X-Force goes up against the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants...for the last time. Can the team come together in time to rally themselves and survive this brutal assault, or will dissension in the ranks lead to the death of them all? Plus: Genesis faces the truth about Apocalypse...and his destiny!
Having traveled to the Age of Apocalypse, X-Force team up with the Amazing X-Men for the final push against Apocalypse's heir, in a bettle Royale that will force Wolverine to make the hardest choice of his life. One world must die! Plus: someone has wiped out a small town in Northern Montana and in its place a new alien landscape has grown. What is Tabula Rasa? Can Fantomex and Deadpool work toget...
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