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Книги Гай Адамс

Гай Адамс - автор 24 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Шерлок и его интеллектуальный стиль, Записки с Изнанки. "Очень странные дела". Гид по сериалу, Шерлок Холмс. Дыхание бога. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Тип сюжета
Место действия
Время действия
Культура и искусство
Шерлок и его интеллектуальный стиль
Шерлок и его интеллектуальный стиль

Бенедикт Камбербэтч раскрывает классические сюжеты Конан Дойла, используя современные гаджеты, интернет и новейшие научные достижения.Иллюстрированный гид по всем сериям 1-го и 2-го сезонов. Крылатые фразы великого сыщика и популярного актера. Уникальные фотоматериалы со съемочной площадки. Психологические портреты Шерлока, доктора Ватсона и профессора Мориарти.

Записки с Изнанки.
Записки с Изнанки. "Очень странные дела". Гид по сериалу

Если ты посмотрел сериал "Очень странные дела" и хочешь узнать о нем гораздо больше, тогда эта книга - то, что тебе нужно! Ты узнаешь об источниках и отсылках сериала, поймешь, какое влияние на него оказали Стивен Кинг и Стивен Спилберг, и многое-многое другое. Вместе с Гаем Адамсом ты сможешь разглядеть новые грани полюбившегося сериала и отлично провести время, выполняя интересные задания.

Шерлок Холмс. Дыхание бога
Шерлок Холмс. Дыхание бога

В последние дни XIX столетия Холмс готов попрощаться с карьерой детектива. Джон Ватсон, его давний друг и биограф, тяжело переживает кончину своей обожаемой жены, поэтому он не в силах развеять затянувшуюся хандру гениального сыщика. Если что и способно вызвать хотя бы слабейший интерес у Шерлока, так это преступление, равных которому не было до сих пор. И вот оно случается! Молодой Хилари Де Монф...

Культура и искусство
Sherlock: The Casebook
Sherlock: The Casebook

The first official guide to the BBC hit series Sherlock. Fans of Sherlock Holmes will already be familiar with The Great Game -- in which all characters and events in the novels are assumed real and discussed accordingly. BBC hit Sherlock has brought Conan Doyle's legendary detective to a whole new audience and Sherlock: The Casebook is The Great Game for the next generation. This is no or...

Исторический детектив
Армия доктора Моро
Армия доктора Моро

Расследуя гибель нескольких человек - по всем признакам, жертв диких зверей, - Холмс и Ватсон узнают о деятельности доктора Моро. Этот жестокий генетик и вивисектор решил путем создания новых гибридов животных подтвердить дарвиновскую теорию естественного отбора. И хотя английское правительство в военных целях тайно спонсирует эти эксперименты, он взбешен тем, что научное сообщество игнорирует его...

Doctor Who: The Legends of River Song
Doctor Who: The Legends of River Song

?Hello, sweetie!? Melody Pond, Melody Malone, River Song?She has had many names. Whoever she really is, this archaeologist and time traveller has had more adventures (and got into more trouble) than most people in the universe. And she?s written a lot of it down. Well, when you?re married to a Time Lord (or possibly not), you have to keep track of what you did and when. Especially as it may ...

Современная проза
The House That Jack Built
The House That Jack Built

Amazon.comBringing back a repetitive rhyme from the old school, illustrator (and kids' book first-timer) Diana Mayo populates a house and the surrounding farm with all manner of cats, cows, and crowing cocks. Not everyone's going to remember

The Diary of River Song: Series 2
The Diary of River Song: Series 2

Time travelling archaeologist and adventurer River Song returns - and this time she will be stepping into the past life of the Doctor, encountering two of his incarnations at once! From the space exploration vessel Saturnius – which is heading to a destination that never gets any closer - to a doomed planet Earth and beyond, River’s journey will bring her closer to a new foe… and an encounter ...

Torchwood: More Than This
Torchwood: More Than This

Gwen Cooper has triumphed against impossible odds before, but now she's finally met her match: Roger Pugh, Planning Officer for Cardiff City Council. Mr Pugh doesn't believe the world needs Torchwood. Gwen sets out to prove him wrong. For Mr Pugh, it's a day that'll change his life. If he can survive it.

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures, Volume 2
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures, Volume 2

2.1 Infamy of the Zaross by John Dorney When Jackie Tyler takes an away day to visit her old friend Marge in Norwich, she finds her holiday immediately interrupted in the worst way possible - an alien invasion! The infamous Zaross have come to take over the Earth. Or have they? After Jackie calls in the Doctor and Rose to deal with the menace, it soon becomes clear that this is a very unusual i...

Doctor Who: The War Master: Only The Good
Doctor Who: The War Master: Only The Good

1. Beneath the Viscoid by Nicholas Briggs On the ocean planet Gardezza, deep beneath the Viscoid, a mysterious capsule is recovered from the Time War, and an equally mysterious stranger found within. The Doctor’s reputation precedes him, even here… but can he be trusted? 2. The Good Master by Janine H Jones The Time War rages around Arcking - a planet serving as a sanctuary for the sick a...

Torchwood: We Always Get Out Alive
Torchwood: We Always Get Out Alive

Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams are on the run from a cataclysm. They're the only survivors, and they’re driving away from the disaster as fast as they can. They’ve got to get away, they’ve got to warn the authorities, and they just can’t be late for the babysitter again. Dim problem. After all, they’re Torchwood and they always get out alive. But this time there's something in the car with them....

The War Master: The Master of Callous
The War Master: The Master of Callous

On the mining colony Callous, Elliot King struggles to meet the demands of its governor, Teremon. The odds are stacked against him, and his options are running low. The world that once promised dreams now offers only despair. A wild Ood stalks the forests, carrying an antiquated phone. The caller promises much – he claims he can change the world – but he always speaks a devastating truth. He...

The War Doctor: Casualties of War
The War Doctor: Casualties of War

The War Doctor and Cardinal Ollistra are stranded far from their Time Lord forces, with Daleks closing in, destroying all that stands between them. They must call on the help of new friends and old to fight their way back to the front lines. From the outer reaches of the galaxy, to the heart of Gallifrey itself, the Doctor finds casualties in every place the Time War has touched. Among them, a fig...

Torchwood: Moving Target
Torchwood: Moving Target

Suzie Costello would never describe herself as a hero. Not even if she were the last woman on Earth. Turns out, she's the second last woman on Earth, and that'll just have to do. With the Earth frozen in time, Suzie becomes locked in a battle to save the planet and the life of Alex, the last woman alive. Hunted by alien warriors, and, with every hour that doesn't pass, the stakes are only getti...

Doctor Who: The Legacy of Time
Doctor Who: The Legacy of Time

Time is collapsing. Incidents of chaos and devastation are appearing throughout the lives of one Time Lord and his many friends – all fallout from one terrible disaster. From Earth’s past and present to timeless alien worlds, from the cloisters of Gallifrey into the Vortex itself... The Doctor must save universal history – and he needs all the help he can get.

Torchwood: Outbreak
Torchwood: Outbreak

"First they know you, then you love, then you kill..." A medical trial's gone terribly wrong, and one of the test subjects is loose on the streets of Cardiff. Within hours a virus is raging out of control and the bodies start piling up. The Government scrambles to control the outbreak, but isn't too keen on anyone finding out the dark history of the virus. Captain Jack Harkness has...

Doctor Who: The Sword of the Chevalier
Doctor Who: The Sword of the Chevalier

1791 and the Doctor and Rose get to meet one of the most enigmatic, thrilling and important people in history: The Chevalier d’Eon. She used to be known as a spy, but then she used to be known as a lot of things. If there’s one thing the Doctor knows it’s that identity is what you make it. Choose a life for yourself and be proud. Mind you, if the Consortium of the Obsidian Asp get their way, all l...

Torchwood: The Lives of Captain Jack
Torchwood: The Lives of Captain Jack

1. The Year After I Died by Guy Adams Set in the year 200,101, on an Earth ravaged by the Daleks, Jack struggles to save humanity from its oldest enemy. 2. Wednesdays For Beginners by James Goss Jack and Jackie Tyler must unite to rescue the Powell Estate from a force whose name Jackie can never say. 3. One Enchanted Evening by James Goss Captain Jack and Alonso Frame have only just...

The Diary of River Song: Series 6
The Diary of River Song: Series 6

River Song has many ways to amuse herself away from her husband. And with access to the Doctor?s diary, she knows exactly when he might be around, and when best to slip in unnoticed and liberate valuable trinkets? But first of all, she must ensure he makes it out of Totters Lane alive!

The Confessions of Dorian Gray: Series 5
The Confessions of Dorian Gray: Series 5

Inspired by Oscar Wilde's classic story of hedonism and corruption, The Confessions of Dorian Gray imagines a world where Dorian Gray was real, and his friendship with Oscar Wilde once spawned the notorious novel. Starring Alexander Vlahos as Dorian Gray, this fifth and final series comprises four hour-long episodes, reuniting Dorian with a host of familiar friends from throughout his extended ...

Шерлок Холмс. Армия доктора Моро
Шерлок Холмс. Армия доктора Моро

Расследуя гибель нескольких человек – по всем признакам жертв диких зверей, – Холмс и Ватсон узнают о деятельности доктора Моро. Этот жестокий генетик и вивисектор решил путем создания новых гибридов животных подтвердить дарвиновскую теорию естественного отбора. И хотя английское правительство в военных целях тайно спонсирует эти эксперименты, он взбешен тем, что научное сообщество игнорирует его ...