Bret Blevins - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Batman: Shadow of the Bat Vol. 2, Batman: Shadow of the Bat Vol. 3, Batman: Shadow of the Bat Vol. 4. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Spinning out of BATMAN: KNIGHTFALL, Jean-Paul Valley is a new breed of Batman. Knowing the streets of Gotham wouldn’t be safe without a Dark Knight, an injured Bruce Wayne handed Jean-Paul his cowl. With this cowl comes the responsibility of taking care of an entire city. This is a burden not all are fit to bear. Unlike Bruce Wayne, Jean-Paul’s brutality towards the denizens of Gotham’s crimi...
Two-Face, The Joker, Solomon Grundy, Tally Man, KGBeast, Colonel Vega, the Ventriloquist, Anarky and an overzealous bounty hunter named Wild all want a piece of the Dark Knight. There's never a quiet moment in the shadows of Gotham City. Even with the help of Robin, Black Canary and Lobo, Batman can't catch a break. Writer Alan Grant (Detective Comics) teams up with artists including ...
Writer Alan Grant (DETECTIVE COMICS) continues his epic run of BATMAN: SHADOW OF THE BAT, this time joined by artists Bret Blevins (BATMAN: ZERO HOUR, HARLEY QUINN) and Norm Breyfogle (BATMAN) and others in these stories about the men and women in shadow…the shadow of the Bat in BATMAN: SHADOW OF THE BAT VOL. 2! To many in Gotham City, Batman is a savior; to others, he is a menace who must be ...
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