Nick Beare - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Fairground Adventure, English World 1: Grammar Practice Book, English World 2: Grammar Practice Book. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
This adventure story is part of the "Way Ahead Readers" language scheme. There are two readers at each level, and these are carefully graded to ensure that children not only practice reading at an appropriate level of difficulty, but also gain confidence in approaching new texts. Linguistic structures have been tightly controlled to match the language in the course, and at the same time, known voc...
English World is the first-ever integrated ten-level print and digital English course for primary and secondary schools. Written by the authors of the best-selling Way Ahead and Macmillan English, the course aims to give learners confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Thorough grammar J and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world through dialogues and cross-cu...
ENGLISH WORLD is the first-ever integrated ten-level print and digital English course for primary and secondary schools. Written by the authors of the best-selling Way Ahead and Macmillan English, the course aims to give learners confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world through dialogues and cross-curr...
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