Эдвард Марстон - автор 11 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Голова королевы, Ученик Дьявола, The Amorous Nightingale. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
У бродячей труппы «Уэстфильдские комедианты» большие проблемы — во время потасовки зверски убит один из актеров. Николас Брейсвелл, суфлер, счетовод и душа компании, вынужден заняться расследованием трагической смерти друга. В поисках убийцы Николас осматривает опасные кварталы Лондона. И тут ему открываются некоторые факты жизни усопшего, которые тот явно предпочел бы сохранить в секрете… ...
Лондон в объятиях зимней стужи, и труппа «Уэстфилдские комедианты» сидит без работы. Актеры с радостью принимают приглашение выступить в графстве Эссекс, несмотря на то, что им ставят два условия: они должны показать новый спектакль и принять в труппу нового ученика Дэйви Страттона. Поначалу всем кажется, что Дэйви искренне мечтает стать актером, однако он начинает ссориться с другими ученикам...
‘I hoped that we might be safe but we have not seen the last of them, after all. They want more blood.’ During a performance of their new play, A Trick to Catch a Chaste Lady, Westfield’s Men are sabotaged, and they find themselves in the throngs of an audience-player melee. In the midst of the rotten-vegetable battlefield, one of the audience members is found stabbed, and their masterful clown...
Young Imogen Burnhope and her maid Rhoda board a non-stop train to Oxford to visit her Aunt Cassandra, who waits on the platform at Oxford station where the train terminates, to greet them. Only they never arrive. The train is searched and the coachman swears he saw them board a first-class carriage, but they seem to have vanished into thin air.When he learns his daughter is missing, Sir Marcus Bu...
In 1851 England, the city of London anticipates the grand opening of the Great Expedition. Excitement is mounting with each engineering triumph of the railways, but not everyone feels like celebrating. A sudden attack hits the London to Birmingham mail train and it is looted and derailed. Planned with military precision, Detective Inspector Robert Colbeck fights to untangle a web of murder, blackm...
They all saw her. Sooner or later, every eye in the company was drawn ineluctably up to the place where she sat in the lower gallery. The yard of the Queen’s Head was filled to shoulder-jostling capacity, as the eager citizens of London converged on Gracechurch Street to see a performance by Westfield’s Men of The Knights of Malta, yet she still stood out clearly from the mass of bodies all around...
Joel Heygate was not only a highly efficient stationmaster, he was immensely popular in the community. He was a stout man of middle height with a flabby face decorated by bushy eyebrows and a walrus moustache. In his frock coat and top hat, he was a striking figure and seemed to be a permanent fixture at Exeter St David’s railway station. Those who met him for the first time were impressed by his ...
When the engines finally met, there was a deafening clash and the Brighton Express twisted and buckled, tipping its carriages onto the other line and producing a cacophony of screams, howls of pain and groans from the passengers. It was a scene of utter devastation.October 1854. As an autumnal evening draws to a close, crowds of passengers rush to make the departure of the London to Brighton Expre...