Линдси Дэвис - автор 23 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Серебряные слитки, Заговор патрициев, или Тени в бронзе, Enemies at Home. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Семидесятый год нашей эры. Рим. Город городов. Столица великой империи. Здесь царят весьма и весьма вольные нравы. Здесь государственные тайны обсуждаются в спальнях куртизанок и актеров. Здесь плетутся бесчисленные заговоры и интриги, а состояния наживаются самыми неожиданными — и далеко не всегда законными — способами. И конечно, у «частного информатора» Дидия Фалько всегда много работы — ве...
Семидесятые годы нашей эры. Рим. Город городов. Столица великой империи. Здесь царят весьма и весьма вольные нравы. Здесь государственные тайны обсуждаются в спальнях куртизанок и актеров. У «частного информатора» Марка Дидия Фалько всегда много работы — ведь в Риме хватает и неверных жен, и легкомысленных любовников, и проворовавшихся управляющих, и нечистых на руку торговцев. Однако ...
We first met Flavia Albia, Falco's feisty adopted daughter, in The Ides of April. Albia is a remarkable woman in what is very much a man's world: young, widowed and fiercely independent, she lives alone on the Aventine Hill in Rome and makes a good living as a hired investigator. An outsider in more ways than one, Albia has unique insight into life in ancient Rome, and she puts it to goo...
‘I’ve always wanted to see something of the Empire outside Rome.’ AD 71. Germania Libera: dark dripping forests inhabited by bloodthirsty barbarians and legendary wild beasts, a furious prophetess who terrorises Rome, and the ghostly spirits of slaughtered Roman legionaries. Enter Falco, an Imperial agent on a special mission: to find the absconding commander of a legion whose loyalty is sus...
A.D. 72: To many, Rome is the center of the Empire. To Marcus Didius Falco, Imperial spy and casual informer, it is the home of his mother, the domineering matriarch who has kept the Didius clan together since her husband absconded with a redhead some twenty years before. Trouble is the last thing Falco wants on his return from a six-month mission to the German legions. But trouble is in store: hi...
In the high summer of AD 77, laid-back detective Marcus Didius Falco is called upon to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a middle-aged couple who supplied statues to Falco's father, Geminus. The Claudii, nptorious freedmen who live rough in the pestilential Pontine Marshes, are the prime suspects. Falco, beset by personal problems, finds it a relief to consider someone else's misfortune...
It is the Roman holiday of Saturnalia. The days are short; the nights are for wild parties. A general has captured a famous enemy of Rome, and brings her home to adorn his Triumph as a ritual sacrifice. The logistics go wrong; she acquires a mystery illness - then a young man is horrendously murdered and she escapes from house arrest. Marcus Didius Falco is pitted against his old rival, the Chi...
‘This was a lonely place for anybody to be brought to die.’ In the wealthy town of Ostia, our hero Falco appears to be enjoying a relaxing holiday. But when his girlfriend, Helena, arrives carrying a batch of old copies of the Daily Gazette – with the intention of catching up on the latest scandal – Falco is forced to admit to Petronius his real reasons for being there… ‘Infamia’, the pen name o...
‘Marcus, you must help me!’ Stunned by a dramatic appeal from his otherwise cool mother-in-law, Falco cannot resist. His brother-in-law has been diverted from his route to Athens University by a man whose newly married daughter disappeared, with her husband, while visiting the Olympic Games as part of an extended wedding trip. Suspecting a classic cover-up, Aulus enrols Falco’s help in solving th...
Historical mystery crime novel by Lindsey Davis and the eighth book of the Marcus Didius Falco Mysteries series.
‘Rats are always bigger than you expect…’ Falco, ancient Rome’s hangdog investigator, hates sharing a cell with a rodent – though being bailed by his old mother is almost as embarassing. His high-born girlfriend can’t decide if she wants him, and Titus Caesar’s reward for past services is a wet fish. Hoping for a better life, or at least a better apartment, he takes on new clients. On the el...
In the long, hot Roman summer of AD74, Marcus Didius Falco, private informer and spare-time poet, gives a reading for his family and friends. Things get out of hand as usual. The event is taken over by Aurelius Chrysippus, a wealthy Greek banker and patron to a group of struggling writers, who offers to publish Falco’s work — a golden opportunity that rapidly palls. A visit to the Chrysippus scrip...
A frightened child approaches Roman informer Marcus Didius Falco, pleading for help. Nobody believes Gaia’s story that a relation wants to kill her, and neither does he. Beset by his own family troubles, by his new responsibilities as Procurator of the Sacred Poultry, and by the continuing search for a new partner, he turns her away. Immediately he regrets it. Gaia has been selected as the new Ves...
Marcus Didius Falco and his laddish friend Petronius find their local fountain has been blocked - by a gruesomely severed human hand. Soon other body parts are being found in the aqueducts and sewers. Public panic overcomes official indifference, and the Aventine partners are commissioned to investigate. Women are being abducted during festivals, with the next Games only days away. As the heat ris...
Lumbered with working alongside reptilian Chief Spy, Anacrites, Falco has the perfect plan to make money: he will assist Vespasian in the Emperor’s "Great Census" of AD 73. His potential fee could finally allow him to join the middle ranks and be worthy of long-suffering Helena Justina. Unexpectedly confronted with the murder of a man-eating lion, Falco uncovers a bitter rivalry between the gladia...
AD75. As a passion for home improvement sweeps through the Roman Empire, Marcus Didius Falco struggles to deal with Gloccus and Cotta, a pair of terrible bath house contractors whose slow progress and bad workmanship have been causing him misery for months. Far away in Britain, King Togidubnus of the Atrebates tribe is planning his own makeover. His huge new residence (known to us as Fishbourne Pa...
Having returned from his trip to Londinium, Falco takes up employment with Paccius Africanus and Silius Italicus, two lawyers at the top of their trade. For the trial of a senator they need Falco to make an affidavit confirming repayment of a loan. Having been out of the country and starved of Forum gossip for some time, Falco has little interest in this trial, so he makes his deposition and then ...