Андреа Дворкин - автор 18 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Letters from a War Zone: Writings, Our Blood: Prophesies and Discourses on Sexual Politics, Pornography and Civil Rights: A New Day for Women's Equality. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Dworkin is a prominent and controversial feminist political theorist. This compilation of her writings from 1976 to 1987 contains speeches, literary criticism, and her testimony before the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography. Present throughout are the themes of women dominated and silenced by men, of anger and powerlessness in a male society, and of the danger of a doctrine of biolo...
In Pornography: Men Possessing Women, Dworkin analyzes (and extensively cites examples drawn from) contemporary and historical pornography as an industry of woman-hating dehumanization. Dworkin argues that it is implicated in violence against women, both in its production (through the abuse of the women used to star in it), and in the social consequences of its consumption by encouraging men to er...
Always innovative, often provocative, and frequently polarizing, Andrea Dworkin has carved out a unique position as one of the women's movement's most influential figures, from the early days of consciousness-raising to the "post-feminist" present. Heartbreak reveals for the first time the personal side of Dworkin's lifelong journey as an activist and a writer. By turns wry, spirite...
Intercourse (1987) is a radical feminist analysis of sexual intercourse in literature and society, written by Andrea Dworkin. Intercourse is often said to argue that "all heterosexual sex is rape", based on the line from the book that says "violation is a synonym for intercourse." However, Dworkin has denied this interpretation, stating, "What I think is that sex must not put women in a subordinat...
A collection of her most incisive essays and unpublished speeches, Life and Death makes it clear why Dworkin has found her place in the canon of modern political thought. She begins here with a poignant autobiographical piece, in which she recounts with rare tenderness her childhood in Camden, New Jersey, her political odyssey, and the crushing pain of her brother's death. Lending her hand to...
В 1983 году я преподавала литературу на факультете женских исследований в Университете Миннесоты. Я просто составила список своих любимых книг и читала курс по нему. Я не перечитывала «Грозовой перевал» со школьных времен. Эта книга просто поразила меня. Причины изложены в этом эссе.
This book contains the oral testimony of victims of pornography, spoken on the record for the first time in history. Speaking at hearings on a groundbreaking antipornography civil rights law, women offer eloquent witness to the devastation pornography has caused in their lives. Supported by social science experts and authorities on rape, battery, and prostitution, discounted and opposed by free...
"Порнография является систематической практикой эксплуатации и подчинения по признаку пола, которая причиняет различный вред и проблемы женщинам..."С этих дерзких слов начинается новаторский антипорнографический закон, подготовленный писательницей Андреа Дворкин и адвокатом Кэтрин Маккиннон. Их совершенно новый правовой подход, в котором порнография определяется как дискриминация по приз...