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Книги Стеллы Гиббонс

Стелла Гиббонс - автор 8 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Неуютная ферма, Nightingale Wood, The Bachelor. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Классическая литература
Неуютная ферма
Неуютная ферма

Классика английской литературы ХХ века.Изысканная, элегантная и бесконечно ироничная пародия на «провинциальный» британский роман, читая которую можно провести немало забавных параллелей с произведениями Эмили Бронте, Томаса Харди и прочих великих прозаиков XIX – начала ХХ вв.Религиозные снобы и раздираемые тайными страстями юные (и не очень) девицы…Деревенские ловеласы и эксцентричные кумушки…Пот...

Иностранные языки
Nightingale Wood
Nightingale Wood

A sly and satirical fairytale by the author of Cold Comfort Farm Unavailable for decades, Stella Gibbons's Nightingale Wood is a delightfully modern romance ripe for rediscovery by the many fans of Cold Comfort Farm. Poor, lovely Viola has been left penniless and alone after her late husband's demise, and is forced to live with his family in their joyless home. Its occupants are...

Современная проза

Set in wartime London, Westwood tells the story of Margaret Steggles, a plain bookish girl whose mother has told her that she is not the type that attracts men. Her schoolfriend Hilda has a sunny temperament and keeps her service boys 'ever so cheery'. When Margaret finds a ration book on Hampstead Heath the pompous writer Gerard Challis enters both their lives. Margaret slavishly adores...

Современная проза
Conference at Cold Comfort Farm
Conference at Cold Comfort Farm

Robert Poste's child is back at Cold Comfort Farm. But all is not well. Flora finds the farm transformed into a twee haven filled with Toby jugs and peasant pottery, and rooms labelled "Quiete Retreate" and "Greate laundrie". It is, Flora winces, "exactly like being locked in the Victoria and Albert Museum after closing time". Worse, the farm is hosting a conference of the pretentious Inter...

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

In St Alberics, Hertfordshire, stands a newly built family home: Sunglades. Its seven rooms house Kenneth and Constance Fielding, middle-aged bachelor and spinster, along with Kenneth's old flame, an industrious Balkan exile, a young economist and the

Современная проза
Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm
Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm

Available for the first time since its original publication more than fifty years ago, Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm is a charming collection whose hilarious title story features Christmas dinner with the Starkadders before Flora's arrival. With Adam playing Santa while draped in Mrs. Starkadders's shawls, the family shares their traditional "Christmas pudding"-a mlange containing rando...

Литература на английском языке
Cold Comfort Farm: Stage 6
Cold Comfort Farm: Stage 6

The farm lies in the shadow of a hill, and the farmyard rarely sees the sun, even in summer, when the sukebind hangs heavy in the branches. Here live the Starkadders - Aunt Ada Doom, Judith, Amos, Seth, Reuben, Elfine...They lead messy, untidy lives, full of dark thoughts, moody silences, and sudden noisy quarrels. That is, until their attractive young cousin arrives from London. Neat, sensible, e...

Современная проза
The Matchmaker
The Matchmaker

Uprooted from war-torn London, Alda Lucie-Brown and her three daughters start a new life at Pine Cottage in rural Sussex. Unsuited to a quiet life, Alda attempts to orchestrate - with varying degrees of success - the love affairs of her neighbours. Her unwilling subjects include an Italian POW, a Communist field-hand, a battery-chicken farmer and her intelligent friend Jean.