Мэри Филлипс - автор 4 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Игры богов, Because I am a Girl, Warhorses of Letters. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Жизнь греческих богов в современном Лондоне скучна и однообразна. Они почти полностью утратили свое могущество. Безответная же страсть бога Аполлона к смертной девушке Элис приводит к тому, что мир оказывается на краю гибели. Однако любовь способна творить чудеса. Нил любит Элис по-настоящему, и это искреннее чувство не только возвращает его избранницу из «нижнего мира» мертвых, но и дает шанс оли...
Because I am a girl I am less likely to go to school Because I am a girl I am more likely to suffer from malnutrition Because I am a girl I am more likely to suffer violence in the home Because I am a girl I am more likely to marry and start a family before I reach my twenties. Seven authors have visited seven different countries and spoken to young women and girls about their lives, struggles a...
The world's greatest gay, equine, military, epistolary romance. These powerfully moving letters were exchanged between two of the most significant warhorses in history: the dignified Marengo, devoted bearer of Napoleon; and the dashing Copenhagen, a slightly flighty racehorse who became the warhorse of the Duke of Wellington. Originally made public by the highly acclaimed BBC Radio 4 se...
'Know that there were three tables there. The first was the Round Table, with King Arthur as companion and lord. The second, the Table of Errant Companions, were those who went seeking adventure and waited to become companions of the Round Table. Those of the third table never left court and did not go on quests or in search of adventures, either because of illness or because they lacked cour...