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Книги Брюса Ковилла

Брюс Ковилл - автор 10 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Мой учитель - инопланетянин, Always October, Dark Whispers. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Тип сюжета
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Детская фантастика
Мой учитель - инопланетянин
Мой учитель - инопланетянин

Книга состоит из двух повестей американского автора Брюса Ковилла "Мой учитель - инопланетянин" и "Космическая осень". Одноклассники Питер, Сьюзен и Дункан разоблачают инопланетян, перевоплотившихся в школьных учителей, и спасают Землю от катастрофы.

Always October
Always October

From Bruce Coville, the master of tween comic suspense, comes a tale of monsters, the bond between brothers, and saving the world. Jake's baby brother, LD, may be a monster (complete with fangs and fur!), but together with his best friend, Lily, Jake isn't going to let anything happen to that baby. Even if it turns out LD may be the key to saving the world—or destroying it. Soon Jake and Lily a...

После третьего поцелуя
После третьего поцелуя

Привыкнуть можно ко всему. Даже к самому чудовищному и ужасному. Более того, со временем вы можете начать скучать по нему…

Into the Land of the Unicorns
Into the Land of the Unicorns

One unicorn dwells on Earth. Hundreds fight in Luster. Their legends are recorded in THE UNICORN CHRONICLES Into the Land of the Unicorns As each chime sounds, Cara climbs faster up the steep bell tower. Eleven! She must be on the roof when the next bell tolls. Twelve! With a deep breath, and only half believing she will survive, Cara jumps off the church roof and into Luster, land of the u...

Juliet Dove, Queen of Love
Juliet Dove, Queen of Love

Shy Juliet Dove leaves Mr. Elives' magic shop with Helen of Troy's amulet--a virtual man magnet. Juliet doesn't know what she's got, but soon every boy in town is swoony for her. Yet, much as she'd like to lose all the unwanted attention, she can't: The amulet won't come off! A sidesplittingly funny, heartbreaking whirlwind of a book about the high cost of lov...

The Last Hunt
The Last Hunt

Readers will be on the edge of their seats with this concluding episode of the riveting best-selling series by one of America's most gifted fantasy writers. In the center if Luster stands an enormous tree called the Axis Mundi, the Heart of the World. But now that tree is wounded, pierced through by magic. And through that wound marches an army of Hunters, led by the sinister and vengeful ...

Dark Whispers
Dark Whispers

At last--the long-awaited third volume of Bruce Coville's best-selling series, The Unicorn Chronicles! This is a tale of two quests: Cara Diana Hunter's search for an ancient story that may unravel the secret of the long enmity between the unicorns and the delvers, and her father's journey to free Cara's mother from the Rainbow Prison. Cara's journey leads her through t...

My Teacher is an Alien
My Teacher is an Alien

Sixth grade is just out of this world... Susan Simmons can tell that her new substitute teacher is really weird. But she doesn't know how weird until she catches him peeling off his face-- and she realizes that "Mr. Smith" is really an alien!

My Teacher Glows in the Dark
My Teacher Glows in the Dark

Kidnapped in Space? Peter Thompson has had some pretty weird teachers in his time. By the time he discovers that his newest teacher glows in the dark, he's flying away from Earth in a spaceship full of aliens, and there's no one he can call. How do you report an alien to the FBI anyway? Before Peter can do anything, he's taken on the strangest field trip of his life! His friends, his father, his s...

Мой учитель светится в темноте
Мой учитель светится в темноте

Две фантастические повести Брюса Ковилла «Мой учитель светится в темноте» и «Экзамен для планеты» продолжают рассказ, начатый в предыдущей книге этого автора, о приключениях американских подростков, столкнувшихся в школе с инопланетянами и их попытками похитить самых одаренных учеников. На этот раз отважная троица Питер, Сьюзен и Дункан вместе с пришельцем из космоса отправляются на заседание Межз...