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Книги Коры Кармак

Кора Кармак - автор 11 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Losing It, Faking It, Keeping Her. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Любовный роман
Losing It
Losing It

Love. Romance. Sex. There’s a first time for everything... As far as Bliss Edwards can tell, she’s the last virgin standing, certainly amongst her friends. And she’s determined to deal with the "problem" as quickly and simply as possible. But her plan for a no-strings one night stand turns out to be anything but simple. Especially when she arrives for her first class and recognises her hot new...

Любовный роман
Faking It
Faking It

Every girl likes a bad boy... And Max’s current boyfriend is as bad as they come. She knows her family would freak if they saw his tattoos and piercings. So when her parents turn up unannounced Max grabs the most wholesome guy she can to play her boyfriend. But Cade Winston is so perfect that Max needs him to keep playing the part. And the more they have to fake their relationship, the harde...

Любовный роман
Keeping Her
Keeping Her

Garrick Taylor and Bliss Edwards managed to find their happily-ever-after despite a rather... ahem... complicated start. By comparison, meeting the parents should be an absolute breeze, right? But from the moment the pair lands in London, new snags just keep cropping up: a disapproving mother-in-law-to-be, more than one (mostly) minor mishap, and the realization that perhaps they aren't quite as ...

Любовный роман
Finding It
Finding It

Kelsey Summers is looking for love in all the wrong places… Spending a few months travelling around Europe – with no parents, no responsibilities and a no limit credit card – Kelsey’s having the time of her life. But when she completely embarrasses herself in front of the hottest guy she’s ever seen, she soon realises there’s more to life than the next party. What she doesn’t realise is that altho...

Inking him
Inking him

Garrick/Bliss Short Story

Современная проза
All Broke Down
All Broke Down

Dylan fights for lost causes. Probably because she used to be one. Environmental issues, civil rights, corrupt corporations, and politicians you name it, she's probably been involved in a protest. When her latest cause lands her in jail overnight, she meets Silas Moore. He's in for a different kind of fighting. And though he's arrogant and infuriating, she can't help being f...

All Lined Up
All Lined Up

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cora Carmack follows up her trio of hits—Losing It, Faking It, and Finding It—with this thrilling first novel in an explosive series bursting with the Texas flavor, edge, and steamy romance of Friday Night Lights. In Texas, two things are cherished above all else—football and gossip. My life has always been ruled by both. Dallas Cole loathes fo...

All Played Out
All Played Out

First person in her family to go to college? CHECK. Straight A’s? CHECK. On track to graduate early? CHECK. Social life? …..yeah, about that…. With just a few weeks until she graduates, Antonella DeLuca’s beginning to worry that maybe she hasn’t had the full college experience. (Okay... Scratch that. She knows she hasn't had the full college experience). So Nell does what a smart, dedicat...


In a land ruled and shaped by violent magical storms, power lies with those who control them. Aurora Pavan comes from one of the oldest Stormling families in existence. Long ago, the ungifted pledged fealty and service to her family in exchange for safe haven, and a kingdom was carved out from the wildlands and sustained by magic capable of repelling the world’s deadliest foes. As the sole heir...

Сохраняя ее
Сохраняя ее

  Гаррик Тэйлор и Блисс Эдвардс смогли найти свой счастливый конец, несмотря на довольно… кхм… сложное начало. В сравнении, знакомство с родителями должно показаться сущим пустяком, так? Но в то же мгновение, как пара приземляется в Лондоне, у них начинают появляться новые палки в колесах: недовольная свекровь, множество незначительных неудач, и понимание, что, возможно, они не так уж готовы к сво...