Роман Дирдж - автор 6 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Ленор. Душилки, Lenore: Wedgies, Lenore: Pink Bellies. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Вдохновлённая стихотворением Эдгара Аллана По Ленор — это персонаж комиксов и мультсериала в жанре "чёрной комедии" художника и сценариста Романа Дирджа. Её мрачный взгляд на жизнь (и смерть) покорил многих — и теперь появилась уникальная возможность познакомиться с этой малышкой поближе. Жуткая, но в то же время очень милая Ленор никогда не сидит без дела — она готова уничтожить всё, что находитс...
Return to the dark, surreal world of Lenore, the cute little dead girl with a knack for unintentional mayhem and occasional wanton destruction in this second instalment, beautifully and painstakingly coloured by Roman Dirge himself.
Everyone's favorite cute little dead girl is showcased in all her morbid glory in this new collection of the timeless comic strip from Roman Dirge. Return once against to the dark, surreal world of Lenore, the girl with a knack for unintentional mayhem and occasional wanton destruction in this fifth volume. Contains Lenore (Vol. 2) #4-7.
Take a trip into the dark, surreal world of a little dead girl with a knack for (often) unintentional mayhem! Lenore might only be small, but her talent for mischief — and occasional wanton destruction — is anything but. Witness the mayhem that ensues when Lenore and friends are attacked by a gaggle of vicious militant mice, and cower in the face of an assault by undead German soldiers from He...
This collection is a game changer for Lenore: the cute little dead girl. To celebrate her 20th anniversary, Roman Dirge embarked on an epic, new chapter in the life of the cute little dead girl! Featuring a slow-burning, four-issue story-arc that not only reveals the untold origins of the ultra-sinister and deadly-mysterious Taxidermy, but also pitches him into a titanic fight to the death with Le...
Everyone's favorite cute little dead girl is showcased in all her morbid glory in this new collection of the timeless comic strip from Roman Dirge. Return once against to the dark, surreal world of Lenore, the girl with a knack for unintentional mayhem and occasional wanton destruction in this fourth volume that includes the extremely rare #13, beautifully and painstakingly illustrated by...