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Книги Steven Silbiger

Steven Silbiger - автор 1 книги. Из известных произведений можно выделить: The 10-Day MBA: A step-by-step guide to mastering the skills taught in top business schools. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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The 10-Day MBA: A step-by-step guide to mastering the skills taught in top business schools
The 10-Day MBA: A step-by-step guide to mastering the skills taught in top business schools

'Anyone who has ever wished they attended a top-ten MBA school now has an alternative. Silbiger's The 10-Day MBA. It distils the basics of a top MBA programme. It's interesting, informative and certainly cheaper. I recommend it!' Tom Fischgrund, author of The Insider's Guide to the Top Ten Business Schools A business classic, The 10-Day MBA provides an invaluable guide ...