Энди Райли - автор 14 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Свиньи без совести, Книга о безумных кроликах, The Book of Bunny Suicides. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
"Я знаю, что у этих свиней на уме. Всякий раз, когда кто-то выводит меня из себя, я мечтаю последовать их примеру, но не хватает смелости". Свиньи плевать на все хотели. Пакостники. Они живут, как вздумается, и мир подчиняется их прихотям и желаниям, но вот поди ж ты - отчего-то все равно очаровательны. Может, потому что иногда нам тоже хочется быть такими, но воспитание не позволяет? А им - поз...
Если вы кролик, намеревающийся покончить с собой, тогда эта книга для вас. Более 50 методов самоубийств кроликов. Книга не предназначена для детей до 10 лет! Книга не тестировалась на животных! Трюки выполняли специальные кролики - каскадёры, не пытайтесь повторить, это может быть опасно для жизни.
Rabbits. We'll never quite know why, but sometimes they decide they've just had enough of this world. " The Book of Bunny Suicides" follows over two hundred bunnies as they find ever more outlandish ways to do themselves in. From an encounter with the business end of Darth Vader's light saber to hiding under an elephant's footstool, no stone goes unturned (or undropped, or unca...
-Return of the Bunny Suicides follows over one hundred bunnies as they find ever more bizarre ways to end their fuzzy little existences. From swimming with nibbly fishes, to hiding under an elephants footstool, to getting on the sharp end of a Venetian gondolano stone goes unturned (or undropped, or uncatapulted) in the twisted little creatures next installment. Illustrated in a spare and simp...
New, wicked humor from the author of the bestselling Bunny Suicides books On the heels of his runaway Bunny Suicides books, cartoonist Andy Riley turns his irreverent wit to another group of small creatures that lurk among us seemingly everywhere: children. From the benign (every ant you meet must be named) to the truly cruel (Ronald McDonald is dead!), each hilarious cartoon has a tall tale ...
With exclusive bonus material from Andy's sketch books! From the author of the cult bestsellers THE BOOK OF BUNNY SUICIDES and RETURN OF THE BUNNY SUICIDES comes another unmissable collection of rabbit-related self destruction... The bunnies are back - and there's only one thing on their minds. In this new collection, follow the continuing adventures of the fluffy little rabbits who just...
Back on the farm, the pigs are restless, and pissed. Smoking, pork-eating, overweight and without any s**t to roll in, these pigs aren't your cuddly, oinking kind of farmyard brother. They are mean and they are angry. From the genius behind the bestselling BUNNY SUICIDES series comes a hilarious new collection of illustrations that confirms all our worst fears: the pigs won't take i...
Rabbits. We'll never quite know why, but sometimes they decide they've just had enough of this world. "A Box of Bunny Suicides" follows over two hundred bunnies as they find ever more outlandish ways to do themselves in. From an encounter with the business end of Darth Vader's light saber to hiding under an elephant's footstool, no stone goes unturned (or undropped, or uncatapu...
Fatherhood is full of ups and downs, quirks and crises. But there is always humour to be found! Featuring 60 all-new cartoons from Andy Riley, Beer Makes Daddy Strong shows the world just how great dads can be: Daddy knows all the best car games ("Who can stay quiet the longest?"), likes to show off his scars (that he may or may not have obtained while running with the bulls in Spain), and is a gr...
From the author of the wildly popular Bunny Suicides series comes this hilarious collection detailing all the quirks and endearing oddities of motherhood. Mummy loves chocolate cake (no matter how bad it is for her), has magical spit (removes any stain!), and loves spa treatments (especially when she's not the one paying). Whether she's admiring her shoe collection or hiding Daddy's...
Deranged devices and comic contraptions from the highly inventive genius behind the hilarious Book of Bunny Suicides Much like his hero, Renaissance man Leonardo da Vinci, bestselling author Andy Riley is not just an artist (or a liar)?he?s an inventor. Imagine, if you will: · The easily assembled Pole-Dancing-Club-in-a- Briefcase for stranded businessmen · Christmas tree ornaments that provi...
The Book of Bunny Suicides and Return of the Bunny Suicides have introduced millions of people around the world to those cute bunnies always looking for new ways to end it all. Published for the first time in a unique paperback format, with a dozen new cartoons, this is the ultimate collection for fans of the fluffy little bunnies who just don't want to live any more.
Эдвин - необычный мальчик. Он - король, и у него есть трон, доспехи, замок с тайными ходами и вообще все на свете. Ах да, а еще с ним по соседству живет самый, самый ужасный злодей. Разве можно тут обойтись без захватываающих приключений с драконами и шоколадом? А без клацающих зубами крокодилов?