Joy Cowley - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: The Wishing of Biddy Malone, Sloppy Tiger Bedtime, The Duck in the Gun. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Biddy Malone is a singer and dancer, though her feet trip all over each other and her voice sounds like a rusty gate. Even her brothers’ teasing can’t stop her from trying. When Biddy discovers a faerie village and a handsome faerie who offers to grant her deepest wishes, she tells him every one. But soon she learns that it’s not wishing but a lot of heart and hard work that will make her dreams c...
The General and his men are about to fire on a town they are at war with. But the Gunner has bad news - they can?t load the gun as there is a duck nesting inside it. The General calls a ceasefire until the gun can be used again and takes a white flag to the opposing town. But the men soon get used to living a peaceful existence. So when the duck?s eggs eventually hatch and the General c...
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