Jen Van Meter - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: The Superior Spider-Man: Volume 1, Black Lightning Year One TP, Fear Itself: Spider-Man. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
It's the story that turned Spider-Man's world upsidedown, as a dying Doctor Octopus hatches his master plan for vengeance against Spider-Man: he will become him! As Peter Parker suddenly awakens to find himself trapped in the failing body of his greatest foe, Otto Octavius rejoices in the power and youth of his new spidery form. Can Peter switch their minds back before his time runs out?...
Manhattan is gripped in violent panic. Peter Parker has not slept in days. Abandoning his friends and family, Spider-Man cannot...WILL not...stop if there are people to be saved. But as the opening salvos of Fear Itself take their violent toll, will Spidey have what it takes to fight his own doubts? Then: Ben Grimm, one of the most beloved heroes in the Marvel Universe, is now the willing avatar o...
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