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Книги Четана Бхагата

Четан Бхагат - автор 9 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Спящая кукла. Кухня Франчески. Переступить черту. Горячая линия, Ночь исполнения желаний, Half Girlfriend. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Место действия
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Спящая кукла. Кухня Франчески. Переступить черту. Горячая линия
Спящая кукла. Кухня Франчески. Переступить черту. Горячая линия

Агент Кэтрин Дэне, блестящий специалист по допросам и языку тела, должна поймать сбежавшего из тюрьмы убийцу. Но Дэниэл Пелл не обычный преступник. Он искусный манипулятор. Он гипнотически воздействует на людей и использует их для реализации своих зловещих планов. Чтобы перехитрить Пелла, Дэне проникнет в его мысли, а там... очень страшно. В издание также вошли романы "Кухня Франчески" П.Пицце...

Современная проза
Ночь исполнения желаний
Ночь исполнения желаний

Шестеро друзей — сотрудники колл-центра крупной компании. Обычные парни и девушки современной Индии — страны, где традиции прошлого самым причудливым образом смешиваются с реалиями XXI века. Обычное ночное дежурство — унылое, нескончаемое. Но в эту ночь произойдет что-то невероятное… Раздастся звонок, который раз и навсегда изменит судьбы всех шестерых героев и превратит их скучную...

Half Girlfriend
Half Girlfriend

Once upon a time, there was a Bihari boy called Madhav. He fell in love with girl called Riya. Madhav didn't speak English well. Riya did. Madhav wanted a relationship. Riya didn't. Riya just wanted friendship. Madhav didn't. Riya suggested a compromise. She agreed to be his half-girlfriend. From the author of the blockbuster novels Five Point Someone, One Night @ the Call Center, T...

2 States: The Story of My Marriage
2 States: The Story of My Marriage

Love marriages around the world are simple: Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy. They get married. In India, there are a few more steps: Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy. Girl's family has to love boy. Boy's family has to love girl. Girl's Family has to love Boy's Family. Boy's family has to love girl's family. Girl and Boy still love each other. They get married. Welcome to 2 States, a story ...

Любовный роман
Свадебный офицер
Свадебный офицер

Коллекция из четырех романов в переводе с английского в специальной редакции Reader's Digest.

Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT
Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT

Set in IIT, in the early '90s, Five Point Someone portrays the lives of the protagonist Hari and his two friends Ryan and Alok. It explores the darker side of IIT, one in which students- having worked for years to make it into the institute-struggle to maintain their grades, keep their friends and have some kind of life outside studies. Funny, dark and non-stop, Five Point Someone is the sto...

One Night @ The Call Center
One Night @ The Call Center

In winter 2004, a writer met a young girl on a night train journey. To pass the time, she offered to tell a story. However, she had a condition: that he make it into his second book. He hesitated, but asked what the story was about. The girl said the story was about six people working in a a call center, set in one night. She said it was the night they got a phone call. That phone call wa...

One Indian Girl
One Indian Girl

Hi, I'm Radhika Mehta and I'm getting married this week. I work at Goldman Sachs, an investment bank. Thank you for reading my story. However, let me warn you. You may not like me too much. One, I make a lot of money. Two, I have an opinion on everything. Three, I have had a boyfriend before. OK, maybe two. Now if all this was the case with a guy, one might be cool with it. But since I...

What Young India Wants
What Young India Wants

Selected non-fiction