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Книги Идена Финли

Иден Финли - автор 13 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Уловка, Blindsided, One Night with Fate. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Мэддокс Причина, по которой я редко появляюсь в своем родном городке, заключается в том, что я лжец. Когда девушка, которой я увлекся по юности, начала слишком много говорить о нашем совместном будущем и предстоящей свадьбе, я не придумал ничего лучшего, чем наврать ей, что я гей, и бежал из нашего городка, как ошпаренный. Теперь, спустя пять лет, мы столкнулись с ней в баре и перебрали с ал...


Miller: When Talon left to play pro ball six years ago, the hole in my chest confused me. I focused my heartache into making my own NFL dreams come true, and by the time I was drafted, the longing I had for my best friend was buried deep. Now he wants everything to be like it was in college, but we can?t have threesomes and be reckless like we once were. The media storm would be enough to br...


Ollie: Word of advice: don’t come out to random guys in public restrooms. Even if they’re charming and adorably nerdy and offer to help. My family believe I can’t be happy if I’m not out to the world. I have a bitter ex-boyfriend and an unstable NHL career to show for it. A fake boyfriend seems like an easy and quick solution to get my family off my back, and this guy is volunteering. I take him...

Unwritten Law
Unwritten Law

Being an identical twin doesn’t come without issues. No one can tell us apart, not even our parents sometimes. We don’t usually use that to our advantage, but it comes in handy when my brother needs help breaking up with his boyfriends—which happens more than I’d care to admit. I know it’s enabling him, but I can’t say no to Anders. I will do anything for my twin. The breakups always go the sa...

One Night with Hemsworth
One Night with Hemsworth

Cole Turner's ex-wife is getting remarried. No amount of alcohol can drown that out, but taking home the hot brunette at the bar is a good enough distraction. That's all Paige is meant to be-a distraction. Paige Minor is too busy studying for her law degree and getting over a bad breakup to care about finding another boyfriend. All she wants is one night of careless fun with a complete s...

One Night with Him
One Night with Him

There are certain lines you can’t uncross. Pip and Gage have always been friends and nothing more. Everyone assumes they're together, but they've never crossed that line. Until one night when they obliterate it. When Pip agrees to be a surrogate mother for some mutual friends, something in Gage snaps. He can't stand the thought of her carrying another man's baby. Sparks fly as the walls c...


Aron: I?ve always known Wyatt was hot, but scotch and half a bottle of tequila makes him so Goddamn beautiful. After my last disastrous relationship with a close friend, you'd think I'd learn my lesson and choose someone else for a rebound. Someone I don't have a solid friendship with. I should definitely stay away from Wyatt. But when have I ever listened to logic? Wyatt: ...

Bitter Sweets
Bitter Sweets

At thirty-two years old, Tammy lacks any real direction. She’s determined to get her life together, but something always gets in her way. Point and case, the one thousand dollars’ worth of damage she causes to a cute little candy shop because of her clumsy feet. Mason doesn’t know why he offers a job to the hot mess who crashed his display case, but the bottom line is, she needs money and he need...

One Night with Fate
One Night with Fate

One night. One stupid mistake. Two pink lines. Spencer Crowley wants the one thing he can't have: Reece Knightly-the girl he's been in love with since the age of twelve. And now, at twenty-seven, Reece is still off-limits. The fact she's his best friend's ex-wife isn't the only problem. The big rock on her finger screams hands off. Spencer has to sit back and watch as she ...


A bisexual prince isn’t the only scandal in this palace. Destined for the crown he doesn’t want. Bad boy Alexander hates his title. He’s the tabloids’ favourite hot mess. Xander thrives in the attention but wishes they’d leave those rumours about him on the editing room floor. The ones about the type of company he likes to keep. Irresponsibility takes a backseat when tragedy strikes the r...

One Night with Rhodes
One Night with Rhodes

Blair Rhodes considers himself an equal opportunity player. He knew from a young age that he wasn't entirely straight. Ogling his best friend's older brother was the first thing that tipped him off. But Garrett Erikson is off limits. Always has been. Garrett is as straight as they come. Garrett's reputation as a womaniser precedes him, but it's not who he is. Not even close. An...

Trick Play
Trick Play

Matt: Want to know the fastest way to get screwed out of a football career? Get photographed in a compromising position in a gay bar. Yep, welcome to my life. My agent says he can fix my image. He wants me to become the poster boy for gay football players. Me? I just want back on the field. I?ll do anything to play for the NFL again, even pretend to have a steady boyfriend. If only my fake ...