Элис Кова - автор 19 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Пробуждение воздуха, Падение огня, Кровь земли. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Ученица библиотекаря Принц, наделенный опасной силой И неразрывная магическая связь? Идет кровопролитная война. Империя Солярис готова объединить под своим началом весь континент. Однако древняя магия, спящая внутри юной ученицы библиотекаря, может кардинально изменить ход битвы. Валла с детства работала в библиотеке и была счастлива в тихом мире книг. Но после того, как она случайно спасл...
Колдунья? Воительница? Или легенда? Валла отправляется на войну в качестве простого солдата. Император полагает, что девушка, обладающая уникальной магической силой, принесет им победу. Представители Сената надеются, что она погибнет. Но единственное, что может сделать Валла – попытаться выжить. Однако война изменит кого угодно. Пока Валла учится управлять своей силой, новые потрясения угрожают сл...
Девушка, пробужденная воздухом Воин, выкованный в огне Оружие, омытое кровью Валла оказалась в эпицентре войны. Закалённая в жестоких битвах, девушка стала идеальным оружием в руках Императора. Однако ставки повышаются: теперь Валла должна сражаться не только за свою свободу, но и за собственную жизнь. Сумеет ли последняя ветроходица выжить несмотря на предательство возлюбленного или ей суждено ум...
Librarian turned sorcerer. Sorcerer turned hero. Hero turned puppet. The Solaris Empire found victory in the North and, at the cost of her heart and her innocence, Vhalla Yarl has earned her freedom. But the true fight is only beginning as the secret forces that have been lurking in the shadows, tugging at the strings of Vhalla's fate, finally come to light. Nowhere is safe, and Vhalla mus...
The second book in an Air Awakens prequel trilogy about the Golden Guard. The Empire has declared war against its neighbor to the north, the country of Shaldan. Prince Baldair is summoned to lead, but the untested royal harbors secret reservations about his ability to inspire confidence in troops his senior in both age and experience. The memory of his first kills the summer prior still weigh h...
Her vengeance. His vision. Ari lost everything she once loved when the Five Guilds’ resistance fell to the Dragon King. Now, she uses her unparalleled gift for clockwork machinery in tandem with notoriously unscrupulous morals to contribute to a thriving underground organ market. There isn’t a place on Loom that is secure from the engineer turned thief, and her magical talents are sold to the h...
Cvareh returns home to his sky world of Nova with the genius crafter Arianna as his temperamental guest. The mercurial inventor possesses all the Xin family needs to turn the tides of a centuries-old power struggle, but the secrets she harbors must be earned with trust -- hard to come by for Ari, especially when it comes to Dragons. On Nova, Ari finds herself closer to exacting vengeance against t...
A new rebellion rises from the still smoldering remnants of the five guilds of Loom to stand against Dragon tyranny. Meanwhile, on Nova, those same Dragons fight amongst themselves as age-old power struggles shift the political landscape in fateful and unexpected ways. Unlikely leaders vie for the opportunity to shape a new world order from the perfect clockwork designs of one temperamental engine...
A desperate princess, a magical traveler, and a watch that binds them together with the fate of a dying world. Vi Solaris is the heir to an Empire she’s barely seen. Her parents sacrificed a life with her to quell a rebellion and secure peace with a political alliance. Now, three years past when her wardship should’ve ended, Vi will do anything to be reunited with her family. The Empire is f...
BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. Josephina Espinosa makes her living as a hacker-for-hire in the Lone Star Republic, a remnant of the fractured U.S.A. That is, until the day she and her best friend are gunned down in a government raid. With her dying breath, Jo uses magical lore passed down from her grandmother to summon a wish-granter. Her wish? To save her friend’s life. Except wishes have co...
Long live Solaris. One bloodthirsty ruler has been overthrown by another, casting the shadow of death over the Solaris Empire. Vhalla Yarl stands upon the stage of fate, prepared to do battle one final time. Fragile alliances will be tested and new bonds will be formed as the world is reshaped. She fights as the champion of peace, but when the night is darkest will she be able to pay the price ...
The first in an Air Awakens prequel trilogy. A coastal summer is turned upside down by a violent murder, and a quest for lost pirate treasure turns into a hunt for the killer. Jax Wendyll is the crown’s dog. As punishment for the unspeakable crimes that tourment him to this day, his life has been conscripted to the Empire Solaris. However, in an Empire afflicted by peace, his duties are rele...
A princess on the run, with enemies on all sides... Vi Solaris is on the eve of getting everything she?s ever wanted?her family, her home, her throne?and to save the world she?s going to have to give it all up. The Empire sees her as their Crown Princess, returning at long last. But Vi only sees visions of fate guiding her to the world?s gruesome end. Across the sea is a man who holds the ke...
When worlds collide, and things are rarely what they seem, there may be no one Vi can trust. Having forsaken her crown for a chance to save her family, and the world, Vi Solaris washes up on the shores of Meru. She's wounded and barely alive. But Vi's fight for survival is only just beginning. As a princess in a foreign land, everyone is after her. The pirate queen Adela wants to sell her...
Vi was supposed to be the perfect crown princess. Then, she abandoned her throne. Vi was supposed to save the world as its Champion. Then, the world she loved vanished. Now, all she knows is that she has deadly magic and brutal cunning and she's ready to settle some scores. Old loves and new allies tell her to play it safe. But Vi is done with caution. She has a chance to right ancient wron...
Lieutenant Craig Youngly has only ever wanted one thing in his life - to join the illustrious Golden Guard. In pursuit of his goals, he has found himself protege to Raylynn Westwind, notable Guard member and favorite of Prince Baldair. He has fought for two years in the sweltering North and now prepares to embark on a mission on behalf of the Guard that could secure his long-sought membership. It'...
Только истинная правительница достойна власти. Валла лишилась своей силы, а новый правитель Империи Солярис – трона. Став марионетками в кровавой игре безумца, юная Ветроходица и ее возлюбленный должны пробудить древнюю силу, которую таят в себе магические кристаллы. Лишь это древнее колдовство способно определить исход предстоящей битвы за будущее мира, и только Валле под силу управлять им. Од...
Когда-то она была колдуньей и героиней. Теперь лишь марионетка. Валла стала свободной. Одержав победу в войне, Император даровал девушке свободу, но сделал ее изгоем: теперь она вынуждена скрываться даже от собственных друзей. Однако никто и не подозревает, что в руках последней ветроходицы находится самое мощное кристальное оружие, способное уничтожить даже душу…