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Автор David Evans


P e a r s o n E d u c a t i o n L i m i t e d Edinburgh Gate, Harlow,

Essex C M 2 0 2JE, England

and Associated Companies throughout the world.


ISBN 0 582 453275



3 5 7 9 1 0 8 6 4

Chapter 1 Coco Chanel


Chapter 2 Hanae Mori


Text copyright © David Evans 2001

Chapter 3 Anita Roddick


Typeset by Pantek Arts Ltd, Maidstone, Kent Set in 11/14pt Bembo

Chapter 4 Oprah Winfrey


Printed in Spain by Mateu Cromo, S. A. Pinto (Madrid) Chapter 5 Madonna


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Some people are discussing the company's financial performance or its latest sales figures. But others are discussing campaigns to save the forests of Brazil or ways of helping political prisoners . . .

This building is the head office of The Body Shop, a company which was started by one woman, Anita Roddick, in 1976. In just a few years, her company has grown from one small shop into a large international business. During this time, she has shown people that business is not just about making money; she believes that business can help to make the world a better place.

For years, working women found they had little chance of getting a top job. The bosses of big business were nearly always men. They were often good at managing money but bad at managing people. Most of them were good at selling traditional products but bad at creating new ones. Many of them thought in the same way, said the same kinds of things and wore the same dark suits.

But in recent years, business has changed. There are now opportunities for people to think differently and to manage companies in new ways. At last, women have been able to test new ideas and try new ways of working. Although many women still have problems in the workplace, more and more are reaching the top in their business lives.

This book tells the stories of five women from very different backgrounds who have reached the top in very different ways.

They have all succeeded by using their special skills to create completely new kinds of companies.


Chapter 1 C o c o Chanel

'Fashion is not just about dresses; fashion is something in the air. Fashion is in the sky, the street. Fashion is about ideas, the way we live, what is happening. '