With his powers drained by a monstrous villain, Superman is forced to stand trial for the destruction of Krypton before an intergalactic tribunal. Taken to another galaxy and weakened, what lies ahead for Superman as he faces "the Tribunal"? A multi-part storyline comes together over a collection of DC Comics' Superman titles in The Trial of Superman. The story finds Superman on trial by a mysterious galactic court known as the "the Tribunal" and features the return of Cyborg Superman, a conf...
With his powers drained by a monstrous villain, Superman is forced to stand trial for the destruction of Krypton before an intergalactic tribunal. Taken to another galaxy and weakened, what lies ahead for Superman as he faces "the Tribunal"? A multi-part storyline comes together over a collection of DC Comics' Superman titles in The Trial of Superman. The story finds Superman on trial by a mysterious galactic court known as the "the Tribunal" and features the return of Cyborg Superman, a confrontation with Lex Luthor, the entire Superman Family and much more. Книга «Superman: The Trial of Superman» авторов Дэн Юргенс, Луиза Симонсон оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.80 из 10.
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