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Автор Tom Phillips

Tom Phillips



Given the subject matter, dedicating this book to my family could be badly misinterpreted.

So instead, I dedicate this to anybody who has ever fucked up really badly. You are not alone.

Timeline of History

3 200 000 BCE: Lucy falls out of a tree and dies. Humanity will repeat this pattern many times over the following 3. 2 million years.

70 000 BCE: Modern humans migrate out of Africa, ruining everything for everyone else.

70 000 BCE–40 000 BCE: Really bad period for Neanderthals.

12 000 BCE: Humanity invents war! YAY HUMANITY! GO TEAM!

11 000 BCE: Agriculture is invented, which may also have been an awful mistake tbh.

3000 BCE: The Sumerians and Egyptians invent the idea of “absolute dynastic monarchy. ” Thanks for that, Egypt and Sumer!

2334 BCE: Sargon of Akkad goes one further and invents the idea of “empires. ” Thanks for that, Sargon!

222 BCE: Qin Shi Huang unites China, searches for elixir of life, dies.

216 BCE: Battle of Cannae. Romans experiment with having two leaders, with opposing strategies. Goes roughly as well as you’d guess.

27 BCE: In excellent news for fans of dictatorship, the Roman Republic becomes the Roman Empire.

26 BCE–892 AD: Not much happens. Pretty quiet time, historically speaking.

1004: First contact between Europeans and Americans; ends in lots of murder.

1217: Ala ad-Din Muhammad II makes the worst decision in history: making an enemy of Genghis Khan.

1492: Christopher Columbus fails to discover new route to Asia, crashes into America instead. Honestly this is the point where everything starts going really wrong.

1519: In history’s most ill-advised hospitality, Moctezuma invites Cortés in as a guest.

1617–1648: Ottoman Empire endures a run of mostly terrible leaders (two of them are called “the Mad,” which is a bad sign).

1698: Scotland tries to establish an empire in Panama. This doesn’t go well, leaving hundreds dead and the country almost bankrupt.

1788: Austrian army manages to defeat itself at the Battle of Karansebes.

1812: Napoleon tries to invade Russia. This turns out to be a terrible idea.

1859: Thomas Austin introduces 24 rabbits into Australia. This doesn’t end well.

1885: King Leopold II is given the Congo for charitable purposes. His purposes are… not charitable.

1890: Shakespeare fan Eugene Schieffelin introduces 60 starlings to New York, whimsically. They become a major, non-whimsical pest.

1914: World goes to war. It’s awful.

1917: In a well thought-through plan, Germany helps Lenin get back to Russia.

1923: The first leaded gasoline, developed by Thomas Midgley Jr. , goes on sale. Several generations get lead poisoning.

1928: Not one to rest on his laurels, Thomas Midgley Jr. develops Freon. Which is bad news for the ozone layer.

1929: It is predicted that the economy is doing very well. Global financial crisis begins a few days later.

1933: The first dust storms of the American dust bowl begin.

1933: The very cunning German politician Franz von Papen does a deal wth Hitler in an attempt to regain power. Yeah, that doesn’t work out great.