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Автор Пол Джонсон

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


I - Living Man and Ventriloquist’s Doll

II - The Ugly Joker with the Gift for Happiness

III - Socrates and the Climax of Athenian Optimism

IV - Socrates the Philosophical Genius

V - Socrates and Justice

VI - The Demoralization of Athens and the Death of Socrates

VII - Socrates and Philosophy Personified







Modern Times: The World from the Twenties to the Nineties

A History of the Jews

The Birth of the Modern World: World Society 1815–1830

Intellectuals: From Marx and Tolstoy to Sartre and Chomsky

A History of the American People

Art: A New History

George Washington: The Founding Father

Creators: From Chaucer and Dürer to Picasso and Disney

Napoleon: A Penguin Life

Heroes: From Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar

to Churchill and de Gaulle




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Copyright © Paul Johnson, 2011 All rights reserved


Johnson, Paul.

Socrates : a man for our times / Paul Johnson.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN : 978-1-101-54519-5

1. Socrates. I.


B317. J65 2011

183’. 2—dc23 2011019767

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To S. B. , guide, philosopher, and friend


Living Man and Ventriloquist’s Doll

There is always a spirit of the times. Even in deep antiquity, strong and almost identical impulses drove forward the elites in societies separated by unbridged chasms of space. We cannot perhaps explain these coordinations. But we can profitably study them. Two and a half millennia ago, in the fifth century B. C. , in three advanced areas, where literacy existed but was still in its infancy, three outstanding individuals echoed one another in insisting that the distinction between their civilizations and the surrounding barbarism must be reinforced by systematic moral education.