Praise for the
Adrenaline Search & Rescue Novels
“Arend writes gripping, emotional, heat-filled stories that grab you by the heart and don’t let go until the very last page. ”
—Jaci Burton,
“All the passion, thrills, and excitement any reader can ask for! Vivian Arend takes you on a wild ride of unforgettable emotion, sizzling sensuality, and breathtaking action. ”
—Maya Banks,
“A pulse-pounding romance . . . There are many things that set this book apart from what’s out on the market today . . . [It] fuses together passion, danger, and excitement in what promises to be a highly unique series!”
“I found myself holding my breath and sitting on the edge of my seat. ”
“This is definitely a series I will follow. ”
“[It] kicks ass! This is the best romance I’ve read this year!”
“An impressive romance that lives up to its series name . . . a thrill ride from start to finish and [it] perfectly combines romance, sexiness, and adventure . . . Don’t miss this one. I highly recommend it. ”
“Arend’s characters are complex, charismatic, and realistic, while the frequent and increasingly daring sex scenes threaten to scorch the pages.
“Arend provides a stellar mix of searing sex and emotional exploration that will keep you glued to the page! Sizzletastic!”
Praise for the novels of
New York Times bestselling author Vivian Arend
“An adrenaline rush of fiery, all-consuming passion and breathtaking romance. ”
—Jaci Burton,
“The bitter cold of Alberta, Canada, is made toasty warm by the super-sexy Coleman brothers of Six Pack Ranch . . . skillfully written erotic passion. ”
“Vivian Arend pours intense passion into her novels. ”
“Arend once again proves that no matter what the genre, she’s a master. ”
—Lauren Dane,
“This is a new favorite cowboy series, and a must read!”
“[A] rare combination of romance, adventure, humor, and screaming hot sex, all in one. ”
“Arend instills humor and heart into a story. ”
“I have fallen in love with this paranormal werewolf shifter series by Vivian Arend. With her humorous writing style, the off-the-chart chemistry and love scenes, and the endearing and wonderful characters, this series has become auto-buy. ”
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A Berkley Book / published by arrangement with the author
Copyright © 2014 by Vivian Arend.
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