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Автор Израэл Зангвилл

I. Zangwill. Children of the Ghetto

E-text prepared by Charles Aldarondo and Distributed Proofreaders


A Study of a Peculiar People



Author of "The Master," "The King of Schnorrers" "Dreamers of the Ghetto," "Without Prejudice," etc.


Preface to the Third Edition.

The issue of a one-volume edition gives me the opportunity of thanking the public and the critics for their kindly reception of this chart of a terra incognita, and of restoring the original sub-title, which is a reply to some criticisms upon its artistic form. The book is intended as a study, through typical figures, of a race whose persistence is the most remarkable fact in the history of the world, the faith and morals of which it has so largely moulded. At the request of numerous readers I have reluctantly added a glossary of 'Yiddish' words and phrases, based on one supplied to the American edition by another hand. I have omitted only those words which occur but once and are then explained in the text; and to each word I have added an indication of the language from which it was drawn. This may please those who share Mr. Andrew Lang's and Miss Rosa Dartle's desire for information. It will be seen that most of these despised words are pure Hebrew; a language which never died off the lips of men, and which is the medium in which books are written all the world over even unto this day.

I. Z.

London, March, 1893.


Not here in our London Ghetto the gates and gaberdines of the olden

Ghetto of the Eternal City; yet no lack of signs external by which

one may know it, and those who dwell therein. Its narrow streets

have no specialty of architecture; its dirt is not picturesque. It

is no longer the stage for the high-buskined tragedy of massacre

and martyrdom; only for the obscurer, deeper tragedy that evolves

from the pressure of its own inward forces, and the long-drawn-out

tragi-comedy of sordid and shifty poverty. Natheless, this London

Ghetto of ours is a region where, amid uncleanness and squalor, the

rose of romance blows yet a little longer in the raw air of English

reality; a world which hides beneath its stony and unlovely surface

an inner world of dreams, fantastic and poetic as the mirage of the

Orient where they were woven, of superstitions grotesque as the

cathedral gargoyles of the Dark Ages in which they had birth. And

over all lie tenderly some streaks of celestial light shining from

the face of the great Lawgiver.

The folk who compose our pictures are children of the Ghetto; their

faults are bred of its hovering miasma of persecution, their

virtues straitened and intensified by the narrowness of its

horizon. And they who have won their way beyond its boundaries must

still play their parts in tragedies and comedies-tragedies of

spiritual struggle, comedies of material ambition-which are the

aftermath of its centuries of dominance, the sequel of that long