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Автор Нэнси Фармер

Nancy Farmer


To Harold

May we find the Islands of the Blessed together

Pangur Ban

I and Pangur Ban, my cat—’Tis a like task we are at:Hunting mice is his delight;Hunting words, I sit all night. Better far than praise of men’Tis to sit with book and pen. Pangur bears me no ill will;He too plies his simple skill. ’Tis a merry thing to seeAt our tasks how glad are we,When at home we sit and findEntertainment to our mind. Oftentimes a mouse will strayIn the hero Pangur’s way;Oftentimes my keen thought setTakes a meaning in its net. ’Gainst the wall he sets his eyeFull and fierce and sharp and sly;’Gainst the wall of knowledge IAll my little wisdom try. When a mouse darts from its den,O how glad is Pangur then!O what gladness do I proveWhen I solve the doubts I love!So in peace our tasks we ply,Pangur Ban, my cat, and I. In our arts we find our bliss;I have mine and he has his.
Practice every day has madePangur perfect in his trade;I get wisdom day and nightTurning darkness into light.

Written by an unknown eighth-century Irish monk in the margins of a manuscript, when he was supposed to be copying the Bible.

Translated by Robin Flower in The Irish Tradition, Oxford University Press, London, 1947.



Jack: Age fourteen; an apprentice bard

Hazel: Jack’s sister; age eight; stolen by hobgoblins

Lucy: Jack’s foster sister; lost to Elfland

Mother: Alditha; Jack’s mother; a wise woman

Father: Giles Crookleg; Jack’s father

The Bard: A druid from Ireland; also known as Dragon Tongue

Ethne: Daughter of the Elf Queen and the Bard

Pega: An ex-slave girl; age fifteen

Mrs. Tanner: The tanner’s widow; mother of Ymma and Ythla

Ymma and Ythla: The Tanner girls; ages ten and eight

Brother Aiden: A monk from the Holy Isle

Gog and Magog: Slaves of the village blacksmith

King Brutus: Ruler of Bebba’s Town

Father Severus: Abbot of St. Filian’s Monastery

Sister Wulfhilda: A nun

Allyson: Thorgil’s mother; deceased


Thorgil: Olaf One-Brow’s adopted daughter; age fourteen

Olaf One-Brow: A famous warrior and Thorgil’s foster father; deceased

Skakki: Olaf’s son; age eighteen; a sea captain

Rune, Sven the Vengeful, Eric the Rash, Eric Pretty-Face: Members of Skakki’s crew

Egil Long-Spear: Sea captain and trader

Bjorn Skull-Splitter: Olaf One-Brow’s best friend

Einar Adder-Tooth: A pirate

Big Half and Little Half: Brothers working for Adder-Tooth


The Bugaboo: King of the hobgoblins

The Nemesis: The Bugaboo’s second-in-command

Mr. Blewit: Hobgoblin foster father of Hazel

The draugr: Avenging spirit

The hogboon: Soulless being that feeds on life


The Shoney: Ruler of the fin folk

Shair Shair: The Shoney’s wife

Shellia: Their daughter; also known as the drauger

Whush: A fin man

Man in the Moon: An old god; exiled to the moon

Yarthkins: Also known as landvættir; spirits of the land

Pangur Ban: Large white cat from Ireland